
Friday, July 10, 2020

September 2020 On History Africa | Remembering 9/11 | Warriors Way | Lost Gold Of WWII 2 | More

Brand New & Exclusive
13 September, Sunday at 20h15
This two-hour feature documentary tells the story of 9/11 from a unique vantage point: inside Air Force One on its nine-hour journey from Florida, across the country, and fnally home to Washington D.C. Featuring interviews with President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, Chief of Staf Andy Card, the pilot of Air Force One, Secret Service agents, as well as the intelligence and military aides on board.

13 September, Sunday at 22h05
9/11: Escape From the Towers is a gripping frst-hand account of the 2001 atacks on the World Trade Centre told from the unique perspectve of survivors, most of whom are sharing their experiences for the frst tme. Focusing on two foors - the 81st foor of the north tower and the 77th foor of the south tower, just below the impact zones - it’s the story of ordinary working Americans who are completely unaware of the cause of the devastaton right above their heads, or that they are caught up in the middle of the worst terror atack in American history.

Brand New & Exclusive
20 September, Sunday at 20h15 Utlising original interviews, new informaton, and dramatc visualizatons, this documentary brings viewers inside America’s capital city on September 11, when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the western face of the Pentagon, killing 125 people.

Brand New & Exclusive
20 September, Sunday at 21h10
On September 11, 2001, one hijacked plane never reached its target when United 93 crashed in rural Pennsylvania. Now, for the frst tme, previously classifed streams of evidence are combined to piece together what really happened in a gripping minute- by-minute account. Evidence includes secret service documents, air trafc control transmissions, phone records, voicemails, frst person testmony, and a top-secret audio recording that may reveal the details of Flight 93’s crucial fnal moments. It’s the story of heroism in the face of tragedy, and it sheds new light on the biggest mysteries of that fateful fight.

Brand New Season
15 September – 15 December, Tuesdays at 20h15 The swamp faces a crisis like never before. Despite hunters’ best eforts to cull the exploding alligator populaton last year, their numbers have reached record levels. Vicious bull gators are breeding at an astounding rate and fooding the backwaters with deadly monsters
-- bigger, bolder and more dangerous than ever before. With their friends, families and pets at risk, swampers take up arms and employ radical new strategies to protects their communites from these savage beasts. New faces are called in to help fght the invasion, and hunters dive deeper into the belly of the bayou than ever before in search of the monster bull gators that are ravaging Southern Louisiana. The threat has never been bigger and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Brand New & Exclusive
21 September – 26 October, Mondays at 21h10 Get ready to discover the deadliest, vicious and most successful warriors of their tme. Spartans, Vikings, Samurai and more! These were the most eminent fghters in human history. Episodes highlight the greatest achievements on the batlefelds, command of their armies, brilliant strategies and unique fghtng styles that enabled them to conquer their enemies in overwhelming force.

Brand New Season & Exclusive
25 September – 13 November, Fridays at 20h15 The quest for the one of the largest treasures in modern day history contnues. Lost Gold of WWII returns to resume the search for hundreds of billions of dollars of stolen loot supposedly hidden in Southeast Asia by Japanese General Tomoyuki Yamashita. In season 2 of Lost Gold of WWII, the team dives deeper into the mystery. Guided by recent scans suggestng gold, they focus on three key sites: a mysterious waterfall, a crater known as Breach 6 and a large tunnel recently found. The series will dig deeper into the conspiracies surrounding Yamashita’s Gold, its link to the CIA and various historic world leaders. Will an all new team, extraordinary technology and unprecedented fnds be enough to uncover the whereabouts of World War II’s greatest treasure?

Brand New & Exclusive
27 September, Sunday at 20h15
The makers of ‘That’s All Brother’ and ‘Plane Resurrecton’, draw on their vast experience and archive to commemorate the combatants and aircraf on both sides of the seminal aerial batle of WWII. Features exclusive access to the fghtng aircraf, including the rare, modern 4K footage and technical details of the Axis aircraf involved. Renowned Aviaton author and historian Ian Mcachlan reveals some of the forgoten stories of that fateful period, including the role played by the women of the Women’s auxiliary Air Force, and the overseas pilots air to air footage all combine in this anniversary piece to tell the story of “The Few”.

Brand New & Exclusive
27 September, Sunday at 21h10
On the brink of war, the Graf Zeppelin crossed the North Sea on a daring spy mission. Lufwafe wireless experts had come to probe the mysterious towers that had appeared around the Britsh coastline. Fighter Command reeled in horror as they ploted the airship’s progress from Essex to the north of Scotland. Surely the Germans must have discovered all the secrets of Britain’s just completed radar defence system. A year later the Batle of Britain was won with the crucial advantage radar gave the RAF. So why had the Germans not destroyed Britsh radar before the Batle? The answer came afer a chance encounter long afer the war. The Zeppelin spies had made the greatest intelligence blunder of the war.

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