Join Discovery Family Africa In December 2016 For 3 More Jam Packed Series That Will Keep You On The Edge Of Your Seat

Dogs: The Untold Story
From Wednesday 14 December at 20:10
Dogs are much more than just a well-loved pet – they started out as wild predators and have undergone an extraordinary evolution. This series recounts the definitive natural history of man’s best friend, following the species’ natural history and looking at a range of breeds and focusing on dogs at different stages of domestication. Explore dogs’ instrumental role in forging the modern relationships between dogs and humans. The series also reveals the groundbreaking scientific research that proves dogs understand us better than we could have ever imagined, and that the root of our age-old bond is chemical. Dogs have shaped the world as we know it. Hunting by our side, they made us the top predator. Protecting our herds, they allowed us to transition from hunters to farmers. Using their strength and stamina, they enabled us to inhabit the most extreme locations on earth. Journey round the world to discover how advanced our canine companions really are.

David Baddiel on the Silk Road
From Monday 19 December at 21:00
Comedian and novelist David Baddiel sets off on a 4,000 mile journey to explore the most famous trade route in history – the Silk Road. This four-part travelogue follows David on the adventure of a lifetime, as he travels from China to Turkey to Azerbaijan, uncovering a series of remarkable locations, mysteries and hidden gems.  The 2,000 year old ancient highway changed the world, carrying not just trade but knowledge, religion, disease and dissent between the Far East and Europe. With exclusive access to research and investigations, and cutting edge technology, David retraces the steps of merchants, warriors and pilgrims along the largest trade route on earth. In his journey across some of the toughest terrain on earth, he tracks Marco Polo’s path across a haunted desert; trails the real Indiana Jones into the wild frontier lands; reveals archaeological treasures lost for centuries and uncovers the mystery that baffled ancient Rome, the secret of silk.

Finding Bigfoot
From Wednesday 28 December at 21:00
Join four eccentric but passionate investigators as they embark on their single-minded mission to find the elusive "creature" known as Bigfoot or the Sasquatch. Scouring America, from the small towns in the South to remote areas of Alaska, the team including: Bobo, a former roadie; Cliff, a high school science teacher; BFRO president Matt Moneymaker; and Ranae, a sceptical scientist, engage in the ultimate hunt for proof that Bigfoot really does exist and is alive and well in the United States! By examining photos and videos of the creature, speaking to local witnesses, using new technology and luring the mysterious beast with Bobo's "Squatch" call, the group uncovers startling evidence of the existence of this mysterious beast. After years of searching, can this intrepid team finally find the enigmatic Yeti that has eluded capture for centuries and fascinated man for just as long?
