
Wednesday, August 3, 2022

New Series Alert: Hidden Passion Reportedly The Last Show To End Of 2022 On Telemundo Africa With "Popular Demand" Raining In During Meet The Family

Telemundo, the international channel owned by NBCUniversal which is home to various romance, action, mystery, adventure and real-life stories which has been localised with English dubs will be launching the much anticipated series, Hidden Passion (Pasión De Gavilanes).

Based on the 1994 telenovela Las Aguas Mansas, also written by Jiménez and produced by RTI. Telemundo did a remake with RTI Colombia back in 2003 titled Hidden Passion followed by another remake titled A Passion For Revenge (Tierra Del Reyes).

The sequel takes place 20 years after the first instalment, the Reyes and Elizondo family will face new challenges that threaten their family. The death of a teacher shakes the family as evidence points to one of the sons of one of the couples as the possible culprit, triggering a series of heartbreaking events that will, once again, put their love and loyalty to the test.

The season stars Danna García, Mario Cimarro, Juan Alfonso Baptista, Natasha Klauss, Paola Rey, and Zharick León, with Michel Brown in a guest role.

Hidden Passion is said to replace The Legend from September 26 at 9pm with Meet The Family scheduled to go off air the following later in October. It has been stated by several sources that popular demand will rain in by that timeslot which has been a norm during this period.

As upcoming attractions to the channel like Nurses Season 2 alongside Until Money Do Us Apart (Hasta Que La Plata Nos Separe, working title) will only be released by early 2023 and if you've browsed the channel's original slate overseas there's not much on offer.

Onto popular demands, the channel remains discreet in regards to that but if I had to guess perhaps Nurses will replace Meet The Family as it gives a better introduction to the second season while as Hidden Passion will be supplemented by Christmas Miracles.

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