Friday, October 21, 2022

Magic Showcase: Potential Outcome For Upcoming M-Net Channel

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A few days ago, it was announced that M-Net and MultiChoice will be launching a "new" channel Magic Showcase inspired by one of their current channels Novela Magic which too is based on a variety of local brands from the company but how do these two differ nobody knows yet.

Novela Magic inspired by the likes of Telemundo and Zee World is telenovela based basically another female led channel while as the duplicate Magic Showcase doubles down on the rebroadcast with Legacy, Enakhe, Zuba and Arendsvlei.

Magic Showcase is set to be unveiled from 1st of November but not much is known about the channel except for the launch date and content which might not be the final outcome as it could most likely be a Pan-African brand like The Africa Channel.

Another thing to note is just like Novela Magic did at launch the same could await Magic Showcase as other outlets in neighbouring countries seem to not be familiar with this reported channel as most don't seem to be aware of such a brand existing probably cause it's early.

But we're almost at the end of the month so how early is early in this case.

Magic Showcase seems more geared to the Easyview package as consumers on that package have no means to watch the bulk of local content coming to M-Net but what makes me think that just like Real Time it will tag other customers has to do with Legacy.

The 2 seasoned soap finished it's run on M-Net with reruns currently seen on Me. Mzansi Wethu which would probably be the only means to view Legacy at one point hasn't broadcast the show alongside Novela Magic.

So consumers might be getting the Real Time treatment which benefited the weakest of the pack and was much of a burden to other customers. Overtime Real Time evolved but there's no telling if the same is expected for Magic Showcase as the content is all over the place.

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