Tuesday, January 17, 2023

What To Expect On History Africa In February 2023?

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Brand New & Exclusive HISTORY’S CRAZY RICH
5 February
Sundays at 20h15
Throughout history, our world has been shaped by the rich and powerful. You recognise their names; you know their deeds. But to really understand the insanely rich rulers, tycoons, and visionaries who dominated the past we need to follow the money. Who had the most? And how did they spend it? In History’s Crazy Rich Ancients, each episode introduces mysterious icons from the past who shared one obsession, from exot c animals to billion-dollar part es to nine- fi gure palaces. Episodes take viewers on an immersive ride through this jaw-dropping decadence to discover who these icons were, and ult mately, who among them spent the most.

Brand New & Exclusive COLOSSEUM
5 February
Sundays at 21h05
This premium series vividly brings to life the rise and fall of the Roman Empire through the lens of one of the most exhilarat ng and brutal arenas in the history of humanity–the Colosseum. From the savage truth of a gladiator’s life as a slave, to the fascinating revelat on of the many ways Rome’s Emperors used the vast amphitheatre to demonstrate their absolute power, Colosseum off ers viewers a unique and personal look inside history’s most iconic empire. Each episode pinpoints one of eight key and diverse characters – all based on real people from history. Spanning several hundred years, the series unfolds chronologically, from the arena’s astonishing opening day to its very last games. Colosseum uses striking re-enactments and special eff ects to infuse excitement into the personal narrative of each character.

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Brand New & Exclusive BERMUDA TRIANGLE:
6 February
Mondays at 19h25
The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters follows an elite team of underwater detect ves as they at empt to ident fy wrecks found within the Bermuda Triangle – a hotbed for unexplained disappearances dat ng back hundreds of years. The Bermuda Triangle is the most notorious stretch of ocean in history, evoking fear and endless fascinat on. Bounded by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, these waters have swallowed countless ships and planes and their crews—some vanishing without a trace. Now, this team is invest gat ng the area with the aid of a secret weapon — a map, decades in the making, marking the locat on of unident fi ed undersea wrecks and anomalies. Each week they will at empt to identify one mystery wreck, along the way evaluat ng the evidence behind legends and scient fi c theories like rogue waves, giant methane bubbles, ship-sucking whirlpools, and dead zones that bewilder equipment and planes. On the ocean fl oor, the team makes historic and important discoveries that go beyond myth and conjecture.

Brand New & Exclusive STRANGEST THINGS S2
24 February
Fridays at 19h25
The second season of Strangest Things invest gates some of the most remarkable and mysterious objects on Earth, from the only objects ever found in the Great Pyramid of Giza to the mystery behind a carved, ancient black stone and a controversial machine designed to measure intelligence. Using new research and 3D technology we uncover some of the world’s Strangest Things.

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