Based on the Venezuelan telenovela La Zulianita, A Shelter For Love follows Luciana, a joyful and beautiful girl, manages to evade the clutches of Don Aquiles, an evil man, after the death of her father in order to save herself from his sexual harassment. She meets a handsome guy named Rodrigo who holds a reputation as a lady-killer.
Zuria Vega and Gabriel Soto star as the main protagonists, while Laura Flores, Jessica Coch, Humberto Elizondo and Frances Ondiviela star as the main antagonists.
Road To Destiny follows Luisa Fernanda Pérez, a beautiful, 18-year-old student, has two passions: mastering the violin and gardening, a skill she learned from her father, Pedro, the former groundskeeper of the wealthy Altamirano family's estate. A chance encounter with destiny alters her life after she is injured in a car accident caused by Luis (her biological father).
Based on the Mexican telenovela La Hija Del Jardinero, The series stars Paulina Goto and Horacio Pancheri as the main protagonists with Ana Patricia Rojo, René Strickler and Lisette Morelos as the main antagonists.
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