Don't Miss The Season Finale Of Crown Of Tears Next Month Followed By The New Series Simply Maria + Rumoured Shows On TLNovelas Africa

We finally got a break

Simply Maria was the first new series unveiled for the new year alongside two Portuguese series which at the time had no release dates. Then Overcoming Fear and Keeping My Family Together joined the lineup with release dates added beforehand.

While viewers have to wait another two months to view Overcoming Fear and Keeping My Family Together. Simply Maria will arrive much earlier than the two as the series is allocated in the slot currently reserved for Crown For Tears.

Crown Of Tears season finale will air on Sunday 10 April at 12:00 CAT and Simply Maria premieres at 17:20 CAT from Monday 11 April.

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Rumoured developments for TLNovelas

As viewers were waiting on the channel to confirm several details regarding the above shows. It didn't stop them from browsing the web and stumbling across a post related to the Mexican brand.

According to the info provided, other titles which might make air on the channel soon include Mujeres De Negro (Woman In Black) and Juro Que Te Amo (Oath Of Love).

Woman In Black follows the rich coastal town of Encino Blanco, three married couples spend the weekend at Coral Beach while their husbands go on their already traditional fishing trip on a yacht. Not far from the pier, the yacht suddenly explodes. Only chips remain on the surface. In seconds they lost their husbands, and they have to go on with their lives without them...just as they planned.

Oath Of Love follows Violeta Madrigal whose family lost their fortune by the people who previously seemed to love and respect them. Justino Fregoso is the most powerful of the Madrigal family's former friends, who made his fortune through shady deals that ended the stability of the Copper Company, owned by the family Madrigal.

Also read:
- The Scent Of Passion coming soon to Telemundo
More about TLNovelas upcoming series Keeping My Family Together
Overcoming Fear coming soon to TLNovelas
Malverde: The Patron Saint coming soon to Telemundo Africa???
Overcoming Heartbreak and Overcoming The Past coming soon to TLNovelas
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Synopsis for TLNovelas upcoming series Simply Maria

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