It’s A Brand-New Season Of Learning And Unlearning For The Mseleku Siblings As Mzansi Magic Brings The Premiere Of Izingane zeS’thembu S2

‘Sticking together through thick and thin because friends have choices, siblings don’t!’ That is the theme of Izingane zeS’thembu S2 coming to Mzansi Magic on Sunday 5 May for another entertaining yet thought-provoking season. 

Mzansi Magic viewers were introduced to the next generation of the Mseleku’s who shared a glimpse of how it is growing up in a setting yesithembu (polygamy). In this second season, the Mseleku eldest children continue their journey of transitioning to young adults and forging stronger bonds. 

Last season viewers saw Mpumelelo, the second eldest, trying to walk in his father's footsteps by ‘juggling’ two women – Vuyokazi & Tirelo - whom he said would be part of his isithembu arrangement and both of whom ended the season expectant in more ways than one. 

He has been claiming readiness for marriage, for more girlfriends and more wives – but the question is, looking at his current family dynamics – can he see the cracks? This is the season the Mseleku father and son duo will be challenged, and their views put to the test– how honest is Bab’ Mseleku about polygamy and its demands and responsibilities? Is Mpumelelo mimicking his Dad's life without the right resources or is he just ‘delulu’? 

Mpilo Mseleku, who is turning 21 years is forced to come out of her shell this season and will be unable to play dumb anymore! Viewers will see more of her at school and how she deals with relationships outside of her siblings. Plus, with her turning 21, there are certain cultural expectations she will be confronted with. Is she ready?

Last season Lwandle gave viewers snippets of who he is and this time, he takes the lead and unveils his true character – he is the star of the show and refuses to be under anyone's shadow! Viewers will get to explore him outside of Mpumelelo as well as his romantic side as he sets out on a journey to finding love.

Abongwe, who is considered ‘The Glue’ of the siblings continues to be adamant that they all need to be closer. This season she reveals a bit more about her sexuality as she has regained a lot of confidence during her time in Johannesburg. She owns who she is and believes it’s time her family tags along.

Not forgetting Mpumelelo’s girlfriends and baby mamas Vuyokazi and Tirelo. That was all drama and problem upon problem for the trio. How will they cope with each other, and the decisions undertaken by Mpumelelo because mans has been talking a different game to what they both expected?

It’s a whole lot of questions that need answers going into Izingane zeS’thembu S2! Will there be resolve that sees these siblings come together and also manage to triumphantly work out their individual challenges? Get all the answers on your home of local from Sunday 5 May at 7 pm on Mzansi Magic DStv Channel 161.
