
Sunday, November 20, 2022

TheOdd1IsOut Presents Pitching A Show

 Robert James Rallison (born May 14, 1996), known online as TheOdd1sOut, is an American cartoonist, YouTuber, animator, author, and voice actor. He is known for producing storytime animations on his YouTube channel and being the co-creator and co-star of the animated Netflix series Oddballs.

As of January 7, 2021, Rallison's main YouTube channel had over 16 million subscribers, and his secondary channel had over 2.7 million subscribers.

In 2017, Dave Trumbore of Collider named Rallison one of five YouTubers who were "poised for mainstream success". In 2018, Kristin Brantley of Culturess reviewed his channel and webcomics favorably, writing, "You’ll be glued to the screen watching all of these hilarious clips and reading all his great comics."

Friday, November 18, 2022

Review: Charlize Theron's Opinion Over The Afrikaans Language

During the week, Hollywood star Charlize Theron made some bizarre comments about the Afrikaans language through a podcast. Taking to account that she was too raised in South Africa and moved overseas to have a better life.

The 47 year old actress stated that the language she grew up speaking was fading away and that only 44 people are still speaking the language. Implying that she isn't aware of the bulk of content coming to kykNET or the amount of people releasing books or poems in her native tongue.

Since the news of her offensive comments toward the Afrikaans language spread. She has recieved a ton of backlash while others choose to support her statement. From my perspective, I wouldn't say she's entirely wrong but her choice of words is what sets everyone back.

Afrikaans is the 3rd most spoken language in South Africa and sure schools may have seen a shortage in staff for this particular audience but that doesn't mean it's dying if anything it's reached a new stage in evolution.

Kind of like how you had SMS then Facebook and Twitter popped up both still can be messaging platforms the same case is currently happening with the Afrikaans language.

Sure there's a certain group of people who give the language a side eye not gonna point to race or anything but that's only cause they haven't found a way to enjoy it.

Honestly, I don't even watch Africa Magic the only way I can enjoy it is through tabloids to some extent and the same goes to sports where e-sports is another priority for me and everything else from soccer to wrestling I view through highlights and doccies.

Afrikaans has reached a new stage of evolution and it's popularity excelled following eMedia's and kykNET's investment toward Istanbul and platforms like Jou Afrikaans which is giving viewers another alternative to kykNET.

From Elvis Presley To Hugh Hefner: We Look At A List Of Biopics That Never Made The Time Of Day

Movies get planned and scrapped all the time. Most just happen outside anyone's view. There are a million reasons why some fictional story starring an A-list actor never gets off the ground, and as a result, nobody pays any mind to it. But the same can't be said of biopics. When the subject matter is famous, everything about that movie becomes trade paper fodder. Every update, casting choice, or plain old rumor shows up in Deadline or The Hollywood Reporter, and it emphasizes how long even a supposedly time-sensitive project like a biopic takes to get made.

As implied, biopics also get scrapped all the time. Sometimes they're axed in loud and public ways. Other times, they manage to sneak by and quietly get canceled, and they're only revealed when talent connected to the project is asked years later. Either way, if you've ever wondered why some famous figure hasn't had their story told, here's why these biopics never made it to the screen.

An Elvis miniseries was canceled

There's been no shortage of Elvis Presley biopics, dating back to 1979's made-for-TV movie starring Kurt Russell. There was the dramatic Elvis and the Beauty Queen starring Don Johnson in 1981, the 2016 dramedy Elvis & Nixon about the famous meeting between the King and the president, and the not literally true but emotionally true 2002 horror film Bubba Ho-Tep with Bruce Campbell. There's also Baz Luhrmann's 2022 Elvis movie starring Austin Butler and featuring Tom Hanks as Colonel Tom Parker.

Apple intended to add their own addition to the pantheon of Elvis biopics, with a miniseries streaming on Apple Music. There are few details on the project, except that Apple hoped it might become an anthology where they'd cover stars like Prince and Michael Jackson in future installments. Of course, there's a reason we're describing it in the past tense — it was canceled early in its development. Why? It was produced by the Weinstein Company. Deadline reports that the project was set up in the summer of 2017, and Apple dropped it almost immediately after The New York Times published the expose on Harvey Weinstein.

Chris Farley didn't get to make his Fatty Arbuckle biopic

Chris Farley is remembered by the public at large as a big, goofy, boisterous clown. It's an image that could hardly be further than the real him — a gentle and depressed man, ashamed of his girth and upset at being pigeon-holed. He spent his later years looking for a project that would show his dramatic talent, and he found that in the story of Roscoe "Fatty" Arbuckle.

One of the first Hollywood stars, Arbuckle was a comedic talent unlike anyone else of his era. He was a big man but strikingly athletic for his size, a skill that gained him a huge following and the respect of his peers. However, today he's best remembered for being accused of the rape and murder of silent film star Virginia Rappe. (He was exonerated after three trials but lost his career.)

Farley knew he was perfect for the role, and it would change how he was perceived. Unfortunately, his obsession with the movie overlapped with the worst of his addictions. He was never able to get the film together and died of a drug overdose in 1997 before he could see any part of it through. The project was seemingly revived in 2011, when Eric Stonestreet signed up to play Arbuckle in an HBO movie directed by Barry Levinson. There hasn't been a mite of news on the project since.

Fox dropped a movie about Patty Hearst

James Mangold became one of Hollywood's most in-demand directors after the smash success of Logan. In December 2017, Variety broke the news of his newest project – a drama about Patty Hearst's kidnapping and involvement with the Symbionese Liberation Army. It was based on Jeffrey Toobin's book American Heiress, and Elle Fanning was in negotiations to play the title role. The movie was set to be produced by 20th Century Fox, continuing their partnership with Mangold post-Logan.

Fast forward one month to the Golden Globes ceremony in 2018. Time's Up and #MeToo were central themes of the evening. Oprah Winfrey gave an impassioned speech after receiving the Cecil B. DeMille Award, decrying "a culture broken by brutally powerful men. For too long, women have not been heard or believed if they dare speak the truth to the power of those men. But their time is up." Watching at home, Patty Hearst heard Oprah's powerful speech and found the courage to speak up herself.

On January 11th, Hearst released a statement, denouncing Toobin's book, Mangold's movie, and an additional CNN miniseries about her. She spoke about how painful it was to relive her kidnapping and that she'd already written a book on her experiences, claiming that Toobin's book was written without her authorization. "I refuse to give Jeffrey Toobin ... Fox, CNN or anyone else involved in these projects about my life the power to make me a victim again, or the power to provide a platform where victim blaming is okay." Hours later, Fox axed the project.

A long-planned Richard Pryor biopic was killed by association with Weinstein

Hollywood has spent years trying to make a biopic about groundbreaking comedian Richard Pryor. Few men have been more associated with the failed attempts than Mike Epps. Before 2005, he was picked for the role by Pryor himself, but that particular project never came to fruition. Almost a decade later in 2014, Epps landed the role again, beating out Marlon Wayans and Michael B. Jordan for a new Pryor biopic by Lee Daniels.

The Daniels-led project was the closest anyone had come to making a movie about Pyror, and it had an A-list cast. Oprah Winfrey signed on as Pryor's brothel-running grandmother, Eddie Murphy as Pryor's father, and Kate Hudson as Pryor's wife. Tracy Morgan was even in talks to play Redd Foxx. But even with all this positive momentum, the project never got off the ground and quietly fizzled. During an interview with WBLS in 2018, Epps revealed why in blunt terms: "It was a Weinstein Company project so you might not see that one."

In October 2020, MGM won a bidding war for the rights to Pyror's story. Black-ish creator Kenya Barris is signed on as writer and director, and Richard's widow, Jennifer Lee, is attached as a producer. Here's hoping Hollywood finally nails this one.

A Gore Vidal biopic was axed in post-production due to Kevin Spacey's involvment

Most of the biopics on this list were shut down in pre-production or just couldn't get off the ground for one reason or another. Gore — a biopic about writer Gore Vidal — is markedly different. It was already done shooting and in post-production when it got axed, but it was a casualty of Kevin Spacey's #MeToo downfall. There was no option to copy All the Money in the World and reshoot Spacey's part in the movie with another actor, as he was playing the title role. Netflix, who was set to distribute Gore, dropped it and severed all ties not long after the accusations against Spacey started piling up.

Soon after Netflix dropped the movie, actors involved in the film began cautiously talking about it. Michael Stuhlbarg, who played Vidal's lover, Howard Austen, gave a measured response to The Daily Beast, saying, "It's heartbreaking when you put your heart into work, and it may not be seen. But it's important that there's sensitivity in the addressing of every aspect of what's going on. It's a complicated thing to talk about, and I believe we are going to be talking about it for a long time." He expressed hope that people might one day see the movie "in the light in which it was meant to be seen." A year later, BuzzFeed News acquired a copy of the shooting screenplay and — after finding multiple excerpts in which Spacey's character seduces young men and uses his power of them to get what he wants — deemed it unlikely to ever see the light of day.

Ryan Murphy's TV series killed Antonio Banderas' Versace movie

In August 2015, Antonio Banderas revealed on Instagram that he was attending a one-month intensive course at Central Saint Martins, a prestigious fashion and art college in London. The reason? He was prepping for the role of Gianni Versace. He was set to star in a movie about the murdered fashion designer by Danish director Bille August.

The movie was in pre-production when word came in 2016 that an upcoming season of American Crime Story would focus on the murder of Versace. The cast filled out through the early months of 2017, and in July of that year, Banderas revealed that his project had been canceled, in large part because of the upcoming Ryan Murphy series.

Banderas told The Hollywood Reporter that he ran into August at Cannes Film Festival, where they discussed their own project. "Because there was a TV show going on, that actually my friend Penelope [Cruz] is doing, we looked at each other and said, 'This movie doesn't make sense anymore.'" Banderas also acknowledged that with the benefit of hindsight, "I don't think I am Gianni." The two met several times, and Banderas recognized that the designer had a certain je ne se quoi he himself was lacking. There were also reports that August had a hard time getting the cooperation of the Versace house, who also had a frosty relationship with Murphy.

Taika Waititi was too busy to make a movie about Michael Jackson's chimp, Bubbles

In what's far and away the strangest entry on this list, yes, there almost was a biopic of Bubbles, Michael Jackson's pet chimpanzee. What's more, it was going to be stop-motion animation, and Taika Waititi was attached to direct.

The script topped the 2015 Black List, the annual survey of well-received yet unproduced screenplays. Taika Waititi signed onto the project in February 2017, alongside co-director Mark Gustafson, with Dan Harmon's Starburns Industries as producers. Netflix bought the package at Cannes in May 2017 for a reported $20 million. Waititi was thrilled for the movie, telling Deadline, "This film is not about Michael Jackson. ... It's about a chimpanzee's fascinating journey through the complex jungle of human life."

On May 15th, 2019, Waititi addressed the Bubbles movie during an interview with Deadline. He called it a "brilliant script" that he was hoping to develop between projects. The problem? Between finishing up Jojo Rabbit, other features, and some TV shows — likely including The Mandalorian — Waititi explained that, "I've actually had to start pulling out of other things, because I was just becoming too busy."

Just over a week later, Cartoon Brew confirmed that Waititi dropped out of the Bubbles project. His heavy schedule was given as the reason why, and Netflix — mostly interested due to Waititi's involvement — dropped the project, as well. Some, including Cartoon Brew and Deadline, also suspected the airing of HBO's Leaving Neverland made Michael Jackson a toxic asset.

Chris Benoit's family intervened to stop his biopic

The story of Chris Benoit is one of the most infamous and tragic events in wrestling history. The man was a worldwide wrestling legend, but a mere three years after winning the World Heavyweight Championship, he murdered his wife, Nancy, and seven-year-old son, Daniel, before taking his life in 2007. A combination of severe CTE, depression, grief, and a faltering marriage were all suspected as contributing factors.

Such salacious subject matter was always going to be fodder for a biopic. SRG Films announced via press release in 2011 that they would make a movie on Benoit's life titled Crossface, based on Matthew Randazzo's book Ring of Hell and written by new screenwriter Sarah Coulter. Nothing came of it, and the project went silent until September 2016, when new producers took on Coulter's script. This time they nabbed a director — Lexi Alexander, karate champion and director of cult classic Punisher: War Zone. Producer Alex Ginzburg even talked up Alexander to Wired in January 2017, saying, "She not only knows how to hit and punch but how to get punched, as well."

That Wired profile was the last anyone heard of the project for years, and we finally got an answer why in January 2020. During an interview with Chris Van Vliet, Benoit's son, David, revealed that the film was being made without the family's permission and included scenes they understandably didn't want shown. The family went so far as to hire a lawyer, and production got shut down. David Benoit expressed interest in a documentary, and three months later, the season premiere of Dark Side of the Ring covered the tragedy with family involvement.

Russ Meyer and Roger Ebert's story is a bit too uncomfortable now

Russ & Roger Go Beyond was a planned movie about the unlikely friendship between sexploitation director Russ Meyer and film critic Roger Ebert, specifically their collaboration on cult classic Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Will Ferrell was cast as Meyer and Josh Gad as Ebert. They even nabbed John Carney of Once and Sing Street fame as director. With a solid cast and creative team, this was a movie set to take Hollywood — and likely awards season — by storm. Production was slated to begin in 2018.

Then the accusations against Harvey Weistein dropped.

Producer David Permut, who'd been trying to get the movie made for a decade, told MarketWatch, "We had funding and were ready to make the movie. That green button turned into a red button literally overnight the moment the Harvey news hit the world." He noted that a meeting with the creative forces in the movie changed things. "The consensus felt by our director and Will Ferrell and Josh Gad was it wasn't the right time to tell the story about a Hollywood filmmaker who makes sexploitation movies." Permut himself didn't sound all that sold on the cancelation, believing there was a way to tell a historically accurate story, but he wasn't totally broken up. "A green-lit picture went away as a result of the changing times, but it is for the betterment of the world if we want to advocate equality for everybody."

Joni Mitchell stopped a biopic about her, Carly Simon, and Carole King

In 2012, news broke that Sony Pictures was adapting Sheila Weller's Girls Like Us, a book about the careers of Joni Mitchell, Carly Simon, and Carole King. Katie Jacobs, a producer and director on House, was slated to direct. Taylor Swift, who once told Rhapsody that Blue was her favorite album of all time, was reportedly in talks to play Mitchell. Alison Pill was often mentioned in connection with the role of King.

IndieWire reported that Allison Williams, Jessica Pare, and Analeigh Tipton were the leading candidates for Simon, and that Olivia Thirlby, Ari Graynor, and Zoe Kazan were all competing with Pill for King. However, Swift was quick to say that the casting wasn't confirmed, and that was about the last anyone heard of the project for a couple years

In a 2014 interview with The Sunday Times, Mitchell took credit for stopping the project. "I squelched that! I said to the producer, 'All you've got is a girl with high cheekbones. It's just a lot of gossip, you don't have the great scenes.' There's a lot of nonsense about me in books: assumptions, assumptions, assum­p­tions." Mitchell has always been a private person, and Weller's book was written without her input. Her statement was enough to shut down the project.

Mitchell still got asked about the movie afterwards, saying in a 2015 interview with The Cut that while she never heard Swift's music, she saw the physical resemblance and why she was sought for the role. "I don't know what her music sounds like, but I do know this — that if she's going to sing and play me, good luck." Rolling Stone later got clarification from Swift's camp, with a rep saying, "It's a shame Joni keeps being asked about a movie that Taylor was rumored to be a part of. But this rumor, like many others casting rumors, is not true."

A Hugh Hefner biopic was scrapped due to serious accusations against its director

A biopic on Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has been in the works for years. Producer Brian Grazer acquired the rights to Hef's life story sometime in the late '90s or early 2000s . Brett Ratner was attached to direct around 2007, and Playboy Enterprises and Hefner were active parts of production. Ratner and Hefner openly courted Robert Downey, Jr., right around his 2008 career resurgence to play the lead role. Nothing seems to have come of this, and the project bounced around Universal, Warner Bros, and eventually Ratner's own company, RatPac.

In October 2017, just a few weeks after Hefner died, Ratner announced in The Hollywood Reporter that Jared Leto was on board. "When he heard I got the rights to Hef's story," Ratner said of Leto, "he told me, 'I want to play him. I want to understand him.' And I really believe Jared can do it." Ratner even brought Leto to the Playboy Mansion to meet Hefner, though the man was in failing health and not seeing guests. This excitement lasted less than a month.

In November 2017, right at the start of the #MeToo movement, Ratner was accused by a half-dozen women of sexual misconduct. Ratner's career collapsed instantaneously, with Warner Bros. severing ties with him and his production company. Playboy Enterprises quickly halted development on the project, which still hasn't resumed with or without Ratner. Leto also contradicted Ratner, with his camp telling The Hollywood Reporter that he "is not and was not attached to a Brett Ratner-directed Hugh Hefner film, nor will he be working with him in the future."

Credits: David L. Lebovitz

Roundups #112: Monster High Renewed For Second Season, A Ninth Instalment To Harry Potter Might Be On The Cards And Pirates Of The Caribbean Reboot Practically Dead

Nickelodeon welcomes back a returning show

Fangtastic! Monster High has been renewed for a second season at Nickelodeon. The decision comes just weeks after the first season premiered on the network. That first season has yet to wrap, but now the network is expressing strong faith in the series by giving a go-ahead for another year at the titular high school. This is a good sign for the Mattel toy franchise (upon which the series is based), which recently relaunched its line of iconic toys, giving a revamped look to its beloved characters.

Season 1 introduced us to the teenage kids of some famous monsters as they begin a new school season at the eponymous school. At the center are the quartet of ghouls, Clawdeen Wolf, Draculaura, Frankie Stein, and Deuce Gorgon, who in addition to their academics, are seen developing their social and personal lives by learning to discover who they are and embracing their unique identity, while surmounting every obstacle to stand out as fierce and fearless beasts.

According to a report, the second season will look to further develop each of these characters and explore their background while "expanding on the theme of friendship." While season one contained 26 episodes, the sophomore season will include 20 episodes.

Source: Collider

The Wizarding World won't be around for at least until couple of years

After the failure of the Fantastic Beasts film series, Warner Bros. Discovery is reportedly looking to move forward with a movie adaptation of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

The Wizarding World has experienced its own ups and downs through the years, but its momentum slowed down after Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 ended Daniel Radcliffe's on-screen adventure as the titular wizard in 2011.

Although the Fantastic Beasts movies did return to Hogwarts and even feature Albus Dumbledore in a significant role, some fans pointed out that it didn't have the same magic that the Harry Potter films translated on-screen despite it managing to expand its world and history.

Source: TheDirect

Disney silently cancels Pirates Of The Caribbean

Disney has pulled the plug on its Pirates of the Caribbean spinoff led by Margot Robbie.

“We had an idea and we were developing it for a while, ages ago, to have more of a female-led—not totally female-led, but just a different kind of story—which we thought would’ve been really cool, but I guess they don’t want to do it,” Robbie said in a an interview.

“We are developing two Pirates scripts—one with her, one without,” sources told the paper at the time.

Even though her Pirates spinoff fell through, Robbie has plenty on her plate. She will be promoting her upcoming film Babylon from Whiplash, La La Land and First Man director Damian Chazelle. She’ll also soon start filming an Ocean’s Eleven prequel, and of course, coming next summer is the much talked about Barbie movie.

Source: Complex

Prediction: Mindset Learn To Be Taken Over By The SABC, Rebrands Into SABC School

Prediction: A statement of what you think will happen in future

Mindset is a curriculum based learning channel which caters to Grade 10-12 and includes content from Grade 1-3. Following the demise of Mindset Pop, it kind of caters to Grade 4-9 but just like a certain brand most of their audience aren't home during those times.

Basically, Mindset is meant to help learners improve on their maths, numeracy, science, literacy and accounting. It's basically free at this point as it is managed by a nonprofit organisation and such usually just try to make sure a difference in the economy.

For which this brand was fortunate enough to do for the past decade but you just wished that more areas would be covered. Of course there's a few exceptions such as Creative Arts, Life Orientation and Business Studies as one is general and the other reading.

Anyways, the public broadcaster announced the exit of Telkom to the streaming market for the recently launched SABC+. The brand supplies SABC 1-3, News, Sport and Education alongside selected archived content was locked away in their archives.

Prior to its launch, they were only a linear company which experienced success with SABC 1 and SABC Sport. So much so that the SABC had proposed spinning off one of the two as the other follows a number sequence so yeah.

SABC Education also garnered much relevance even before a 24/7 service was released so why not give it a linear channel. Initially, the channel was meant to to be a partnership with the Department Of Education which currently operates within the Openview platform.

Implying that the 24/7 channel, could have turned out differently and wouldn't entirely be an SABC Encore based channel but sort of a mashup with Mindset which just gives me an idea for another brand, SABC School.

Based of SABC Learning and in partnership with Mindset Learn, the channel will continue to align itself with the current curriculum with Geleza Nathi replacing the Grade 12 lessons and also reruns of Matric Reloaded and Takalani Sesame forming part of the channel.

Prediction: Parliament TV To Be Taken Over By The SABC, Rebrands Into SABC Parliament

Prediction: A statement of what you think will happen in future

Earlier in the week, it was announced TelkomOne would be taken over by the SABC's new streaming service, SABC+ then an idea came to mind about one of their DTT plans so we dive on further to them and explain it a bit better through another brand, Parliament TV.

Parliament TV is a provincial channel which airs on channel 408 through the DStv platform and operates more like a news hub but usually for gatherings and other important events which in a way can be kind of boring but you get the gist of it.

A few years ago, the public broadcaster unveiled 5 new channels of which two which fortunate to materialize with one of the latters being SABC Parliament going through development hell.

Not that it isn't a thing as test had been conducted on it a while back and from what was stated by the public broadcaster. The channel would need some form of funding on top of an outlet where they could try to expand and what better way than through Parliament TV.

Parliament TV is available to consumers on the DStv platform on an exclusive basis and the change to SABC Parliament means the channel alongside SABC News join the bulk of entertainment to be confined with the pay-tv company.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

SABC Launches Its Streaming Service SABC+, Includes SABC News Channel

The South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC) has launched its long-anticipated OTT platform, SABC +.

The SABC + streaming app will provide the best that the SABC has to offer including 19 radio stations and 3 free-to-air television channels SABC 1, SABC 2, SABC 3, as well as the SABC Sports Channel and the SABC’s 24-hour news channel. In addition, the app will feature a variety of local and international content, to extend the Corporation’s mission to inform, educate and entertain citizen, everywhere, anytime.

“SABC + signals a new digital era for the SABC and a key accomplishment in addressing universal access for all citizens” states Mr Madoda Mxakwe, Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) of the SABC. “ SABC + app also presents a growth path to enhancing our value offering to clients and customers to build a strong foundation for future financial sustainability of the SABC”, concluded Mxakwe.

In partnership with the global consumer electronics and home appliances market leader, Hisense, the Corporation will distribute the SABC + app through the Hisense VIDAA Smart TVs and mobile devices in time for the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ on 20 November 2022. Together, these two powerhouses will bring 28 matches of the FIFA World Cup and the official FIFA World Cup show daily, for FREE.

The SABC is proud to partner with a technology company such as Hisense to enable us to fulfil our public mandate, whilst utilising innovation to provide cutting edge content to the public.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022

New Series Alert: Daai Crazy Somer Coming Soon To e.tv

e.tv, South Africa's most watched English channel home to shows such as Scandal, House Of Zwide, The Black Door and Imbewu will start off 2023 with adrenaline pumping action as they acquired to rights to the Turkish drama Daai Crazy Somer (Son Yaz).

Idealist Public Prosecutor Selim receives an offer he cannot refuse from organized crime leader Selcuk Taskin, whom he sent to prison. Selcuk will testify in the prosecutor's case, but in return, he asks the prosecutor to protect his son.

Alperen Duymaz stars as Akgün Gökalp Taskin, Ali Atay stars as Selim Kara, Hafsanur Sancaktutan stars as Yagmur Kara, Arif Piskin stars as Selcuk Taskin and Sezer Koç and Emel Yaman.

Daai Crazy Somer joins a list of FOX shows to have aired on eMedia's stable including #DisComplicated, Doodsondes and Dokter Ali.

Don't miss out on the premiere from January 6th on e.tv replacing Doodsondes.

TelkomOne Vs. SABC+: Transition From International To Local Entertainment

Earlier today, TelkomOne without prior notice announced that they'll be unavailable for the rest of the day and left a cryptic message to their subscribers while as SABC has gearing up for the rollout of their long awaited streaming service, SABC+.

Moments later, it was discovered that TelkomOne would be shutting down and that SABC will fill the gap that Telkom would leave several of their subscribers so here's an overview.

TelkomOne alongside SABC+ are both based in SA and managed by different parties. If anything, their parties formed an agreement where one would leverage from the other in exchange for money so in this case is it really shocking as this was bound to happen.

I mean MTN, Cell C and Vodacom all joined the streaming game and backed out so why not Telkom in this case.

TelkomOne featured a variety of international content particularly premium channels like Real Time, Toonami, Discovery Science and EWTN all of which are likely dead at this point following the acquisition by the public broadcaster.

From what sources stated about SABC+, it would be similar to BBC iPlayer in the UK so basically another DStv App which comes with SABC 1-3, Sport and Education alongside their 19 radio stations and archived material.

If you study the facts carefully, basically all the content TelkomOne picked up without a linear channel will be compensated with archived content while as the linear channels such as Discovery Science will be supplemented with SABC 1-3.

Considering how many linear channels they were at the time my guess would be that they'll add a few more channels to the lineup just not as much as that of TelkomOne.

While as TelkomOne offered Toonami and Boing with SABC+ the likelihood is that consumers will get SABC Education and the rumoured Tuluntulu channel, SABC Children while as The Home Channel and Discovery Science and France24 would be compensated with SABC Encore and SABC Sport.

SABC Children and Encore were rumoured for about a year and I'm not saying these are the channels but you find plenty of global streamers like Paramount+ use several of their existing shows and forming a digital channel within the platform to promote the content.

The idea of SABC doing such doesn't seem far fetched especially after what happened last year as they stated Openview's upcoming channels would be repeat channels which is what SABC+ is all about.

During the years, I assume the public broadcaster took some notes from MultiChoice's Showmax and eMedia Investments' eVOD and will include Fast Forward or simulcast broadcasts to some of their properties.

Over to whether SABC News will be seen on SABC+ that's a definite maybe should it be included it won't be available elsewhere unless it's a product of MultiChoice which gives the brand stability.

All in all, viewers have to tune in tomorrow to see what else SABC has in store.

But from what was implied about it several times it's just a reduction to TelkomOne so I'm assuming some consumers will opt to cancel while those viewing the free version will latch onto the platform for the time being either way I can see it ending in a positive and negative manner.