
Saturday, July 30, 2022

Conspiracy Theory: The Real Reason CBS Reality Remains In The UK

In the summer of 2019, AMC International and Paramount made a loss of £8,024,000 before tax £4,000 and a year later amidst the pandemic witnessed a small increase in an impairment charge of £8,643,000 with net assets worth £4,069,000.

Earlier in the month, CBS Reality remained onboard their stable while other CBS brands like CBS Justice, CBS Drama and Horror Channel were axed for Legend, Reality Xtra and Horror Xtra as rumours swirl about the dismemberment of their partnership.

As seen in their financial records in the summer of 2020, AMC International is in a loss making position with a net current liabilities of £7,178,641 (2019: £7,162,843) and negative equity of £7,178641 (2019: £905,317) with Paramount offering funding until for the rest of 2021 and discussing future prospects by the end of 2022.

Taking that to account, the name change could have something to do with the reported losses and the changes could spell the dismemberment of Paramount and AMC International after 10 years.

CBS Reality as mentioned is the only channel to not have been affected by the change but what if the reason behind that wasn't Warner Bros. Discovery's Really channel which has a similar coat of paint to the Reality portion of the name but something bigger.

Reality Xtra which is seen as a spin-off to CBS Reality even though that's not the case with the programming was once the name used on the main channel. Is it possible that CBS Reality will close and merge onto Reality Xtra? If so why not do it sooner?

CBS Reality has a lot of decent and mature content compared to MTV and E! on top of various cable providers so maybe they're fulfilling agreements with some suppliers before axing the channel with content moving over to Reality Xtra.

Why Openview Has Been Excluded From Delayed SABC Channel Expansion?

eMedia Investments and the SABC finalised their deal for 3 additional channels one of which were SABC Sport alongside 19 radio stations in 2021. As consumers wait over a year for the two channels which are set to carry a lot of existing content there's been some speculation one of which was cleared up is SABC Education.

SABC Education is a DTT channel currently seen on TelkomOne and soon on the likes of DStv and StarSat is based on the educational division formed by the SABC which is home to shows like Takalani Sesame, Matric Reloaded, Ispani, Uzalo, Geleza Nathi and 90 Plain Street.

The channel has remained active as of May 2020 and used as a catch-up channel to programs currently viewed on SABC 1-3 with plans to roll out the brand onto more platforms still underway.

As seen through several consumers on the Openview platform is SABC 1-3, SABC Sport alongside the 19 radio stations but SABC Education doesn't form part of the bouquet with SABC News being exclusive to DStv and DTT consumers.

So the question would have to be is eMedia Investments waiting on SABC Education like DStv?

Probably not as MultiChoice is waiting on two other channels to roll out on the DStv platform and SABC Education alongside SABC Sport and the 19 radio stations did form part of TelkomOne's initial offering when it launched in October 2020.

There could be a number of reasons SABC Education won't form part of the offering. The first has to do with costs, second would have to do with their rivalry perhaps they don't want to invest too much and last may have to do with the existing educational offering on Openview being DBE TV and Mindset.

The Controversial History Of WWE's Most Prestigious Wrestlers, The Fabulous Moolah

The Fabulous Moolah was born Mary Ellison in 1923. Born and raised in the American south, by the 1930s Ellison was attending local wrestling shows with her fatherb seeing the polarizing women of the time; Mar Young, Mildred Burke, and Cecilia Blevins. From this point on Ellison was hooked on the sport and wanted to be a star. The story that follows is one of success and triumph, but also a tale of dark secrets, drugs, and deceit. Fabulous Moolah ran the women’s wrestling world for 30 plus years, and it wasn’t always a world of glitz and glam. The wrestler Moolah and the promoter, booker, and trainer Moolah have two very different, but equally dark histories.

Mary Ellison Becomes The Fabulous Moolah

During the early part of Moolah’s career, she was under the tutelage of Mildred Burke and her husband Billy Wolfe. Burke and Wolfe were, at the time, the premier bookers and promoters for almost all of women’s wrestling. The Burke/Wolfe playbook also asked for their contracted talent to engage in sexual favors with other promoters for preferential bookings, on top of an already huge booking percentage of all payouts. Ellison refused to participate in these practices, causing tension between her and Wolfe.

By the mid-50s Moolah and her husband Buddy Lee were using their own versions of Burke’s practices and had started booking and promoting their own women wrestlers, and booking them against their rivals. After Burke and Wolfe’s retirement, Moolah would have a stranglehold on the world of women’s professional wrestling. The same woman who broke barriers, like being the first woman to wrestle at the historic Madison Square Garden Arena, was now building walls to prevent the growth of the sport.

The Fabulous Moolah Becomes A Promoter And Booker

During this part of Moolah’s career, she would feed and house her trainees and wrestlers. Some women Moolah booked and trained told stories of the property being locked down by a certain point, and if you weren’t home in time, you would be left out until morning. These were not provided accommodations either. Moolah was collecting rent from the women who stayed there, living two and three people in a single room efficiency style cabin, charging upwards of $1,200 a month for their rooms in the 1970s. With inflation that equates to about $9,100 if charged today.

The financial strain didn’t end there. With Moolah and Lee handling all the women’s promoting and booking, women’s wrestling went through the Fabulous Moolah, so if a woman was booked to wrestle, she was also collecting a 25% booking fee of their payout whether they were “one of her girls” or not.

That means, “Moolah’s Girls” were also paying the 25% on top of their already outlandish rent. This, mixed with the allegations of forced sex, drug use, prostitution and theft, left the wrestling world buzzing when women started coming forward. The training schedules, the booking schedule, and the expectations Moolah had for the women wrestlers was also extreme. Princess Victoria was a superstar trained and booked by Moolah, who experienced a tragic career ending injury. Victoria aas quoted as saying that she was thrown out with almost nothing to her name, but would refute the allegations of Moolah being a pimp.

“Moolah was not a pimp and she hated drugs. She did steal from all of her girls including me, but she was the only way to keep wrestling back then, so it was Moolah or almost nothing. […] I think [The WrestleMania Battle Royal] should have stayed named after Moolah, no matter how crooked she was, she is and was a very important part of women’s wrestling and if they are going to do her like this, then Snickers better reevaluate their sponsorship on all sports after the many arrests made for multiple different things in sports.”

“My neck was broken in the ring and I was basically thrown out with no medical attention and very little to my name. I am now fully disabled sometimes having to use a wheelchair due to the lack of medical attention. I have had multiple concussions and have donated my brain for a future lawsuit to prove that we wrestlers have been misused by the WWE for many many years. […] I want nothing to do with the WWE and will not, even if invited to allow my name to be in their so-called Hall of Fame.”

The Fabulous Moolah Was Part Of The Original "Screwjob"

Moolah’s wrestling career inside the ring was just as cloudy as her booking and training reputation. During the early parts of her career, Moolah had a reign with the Women’s Wrestling World Championship that would rival Sammartino. Her initial reign lasting 10 years was ended, but she quickly and suspiciously picked the title back up almost a month later.

Then in the 1980s came the Rock and Wrestling connection. Along with that came a new and electric following for professional wrestling. With this following came a new star named Wendi Richter. Richter would go on to dethrone the reigning queen of wrestling. After 28 years of dominating the sport, with two generations coming and going, Richter was now the world champion.

After the match, during house shows, there were more rumors surfacing of Moolah intentionally trying to hurt Wendi in matches. Then, one night on the card, there was no Moolah, but instead Wendi was wrestling the “Spider Lady.” Through politics and the inner workings of WWE, Moolah would participate in the match under a masked disguise. This was the original WWE screwjob. After a small package rollup, the referee counted three despite a clear kick out by Richter. Richter left wrestling that night, and ultimately never returned, after giving her everything.

Whether or not fans believe the accusations, one thing is for sure. If it were not for the Fabulous Moolah, women’s wrestling would not be where it is. Changing the names of battle royals or memorials won’t answer the bigger question, however. What cost did it take to get us here?

Credits: The Sportster

New Series Alert: As Expected, Night Of Doom To Launch On Star Life Alongside Rerun Of Made For Each Other

Star Life, a general entertainment home to various Bollywood entertainment from StarPlus like Anupama and Not Without My Family and second English dubbed channel in Africa has picked up rights to supernatural horror, Night Of Doom (Qayamat Ki Raat) as teased last year.

The series was produced by Twist Of Fate's very own Ekta Kapoor and features Karishma Tanna, Vivek Dahiya, Nirbhay Wadhwa, Saurish Singh Athwal and Madhurima Tuli. It will be the first supernatural series in a long while as the last one A Magical Love Story was launched in mid 2021.

Set in the year of 1993, the story begins with a newly wedded couple, Suhasini and Mahendar going to a Ram temple at Ramnamgarh to hand over Suhasini's wedding chain to the idol of Lord Rama and receive the deity's blessings. The train stops at the station and Mahendar's loyal driver Birju comes to fetch them and to drive them till the temple. Not realising that Birju is possessed, they follow him. Suhasini and Mahendar enter the temple when suddenly, Mahendar recalls that they have forgotten the wedding chain in the car so Mahendar goes to fetch it, asking Suhasini to stay here. Meanwhile, Suhasini witnesses strange eerie occurrences in the temple premises while exploring the region which includes absence of a bell as well as any idol of Lord Rama inside the temple and passing of a cat out of nowhere. She trips off a door and falls down the stairs that lead into the temple's basement that happens to be a Tantrik named Kalasur's lair. As soon as Kalasur sees her, he gladly welcomes her inside and offers to spend the night with her and make love. This frightens Suhasini and she yells for help. This is followed by a struggle by Suhasini to escape the Tantrik's clutches and a duel between him and her husband Mahendar. Suhasini runs away screaming for help. While fighting with the Tantrik, Mahendar loses consciousness and Kalasur shape-shifts into Mahendar's form.

Meanwhile, Suhasini reaches the palace of Thakur Prithvi Singh Suryavanshi and asks them to save her husband from Kalasur. Just then, Kalasur arrives there in Mahendar's disguise and Suhasini, scared out of her wits, pleads everybody to get the Tantrik at the temple arrested. As everyone goes in search of the Tantrik, Kalasur takes Suhasini in a bedroom inside the palace and tries making love to her. But luckily Suhasini sees the reflection of the Tantrik in the glass ceiling and pushes him away. As she reaches for the door to exit the house, the Thakur's family returns with the real Mahendar, a priest and few village men because they had found an unconscious Mahendar at the temple instead of the Tantrik. The priest traps Kalasur inside a circular ring of holy ash on the floor. The Tantrik still doesn't accept defeat. He keeps insisting on making love to Suhasini which irks Mahendar to no extent. He threatens to burn Kalasur into ashes, but the latter remarks that his ashes would rise in air and coalesce to resurrect him. Next, Mahendar threatens to bury the Tantrik alive, but he says that his skeleton would rise from underneath the ground to revive him. Mahendar then strangles Kalasur and chokes him, but Kalasur manages to get an upper hand and lifts Mahendar up in the air grabbing his throat. Suhasini requests Kalasur to leave Mahendar unharmed but he pays no heed and insists on having a one-night stand with her. This invokes the ferocity and strength inside Suhasini who lifts up a villager's axe and chops off Kalasur's right arm that had grabbed Mahendar's throat. Next, she cuts the Tantrik's head off. As a result, the beheaded Tantrik curses Suhasini's family that since he couldn't make love to Suhasini, no woman from her family must consummate her marriage hereafter or else death would befall on her. He also remarks that Suhasini would never know the reason why he had chosen her and wanted to make love to her. The priest then orders Lakha, a villager to lock the Tantrik's arm, head and body separately and hide them in different places so that the Tantrik can never assimilate his body parts together and resurrect himself.

Night Of Doom premiered on StarPlus in 2018 and was met with positive reception for its gripping storyline, use of the cast members and ability to balance between good and evil. It managed to pull 5.8 million viewers in its opening week in India.

Night Of Doom airs 23 August at 22:00 replacing Never Say Goodbye with a rerun of Made For Each Other expected to replace Geet. Pandya Store was originally scheduled to replace the Never Say Goodbye but was pulled out.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Celebrate Women's Month With A Marathon Of Leading Ladies On TNT Africa

August is Women’s month and on Tuesday, 9 August, TNT has a Leading Ladies Movie Marathon, putting women’s contribution to society in the spotlight with strong stories of characters who shift the status quo. You’ll find Goldie Hawn soldiering on like no man ever could in Private Benjamin, and a young Hilary Swank meets Mr Miyagi in The Next Karate Kid. Leslie Jones, Julia Roberts and Melissa McCarthy round up some more of the actresses that personify some of film’s most powerful leading roles. Lead on, ladies, because we will follow! So tune in from 11:40 CAT and enjoy a day of celebrating TNT’s leading ladies!


Does the same thought cross your mind whenever you see an action movie? What on earth do I have to do to become the best like one of these guys? Build your self-confidence, focus on positive thinking, and as for your body – be happy just as you are and enjoy TNT’s Saturday special.

Hollywood heavyweights Michael Jai White, Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, and Jean-Claude van Damme have muscled their way to success through strict discipline. TNT’s August special, PUMPED UP! will have audiences asking, “Is there such a thing as too much muscle on screen?”. Drink in your dose of alternate iron, complete with two features on access and prime time, every Saturday.

TUNE IN DETAILS (channel premieres)
Saturday, 6 August
18:15   –   Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown (2011)
20:00   –   Never Back Down: No Surrender (2016)
Saturday, 13 August
18:15   –   Get Carter (2000)
20:00   –   Wake of Death (2004)
Saturday, 20 August
18:15   –   Street Fighter (1994)
20:00   –   Savage Dog (2017)
Saturday, 27 August
18:00   –   Blade II (2001)
20:00   –   Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning (2012)


It’s a date … with Nicolas Cage! Join us for an unmissable evening with this beloved actor. What’s on the menu? Back-to-back of the best movies Mr Cage has to offer.

With an intensity that draws you in and an American drawl like no other, not many can downplay Nicolas Cage in a scene. Known as one of the most versatile of his Hollywood peers, it’s only natural to dedicate a ‘fanomenal’ movie marathon to the expressive actor. Join us as we lap up his excellent portrayals in these four feature films, including Primal, where we find Cage in the role of Frank Walsh, who poaches a rare jaguar in the Brazilian jungle. Naughty Nic!

TUNE IN DETAILS (channel premiere)
Sunday, 21 August
16:10   –   It Could Happen to You (1994)
17:55   –   The Family Man (2000)
20:00   –   Primal (2019)
21:40   –   Running with the Devil (2019)


The third edition of AEW’s special event, Battle of the Belts, is coming to your screens on 13 August, only one week after the US event.

Wrestle for the remote if you must but tune in to All Elite Wrestling no matter what it takes! There are bigger-than-ever personalities in this louder-than-loud showtime entertainment where the ropes never stop zinging. In August, TNT keeps slamming a win a week as new episodes premiere every Saturday and Sunday morning around 10:00 CAT, with one weekly repetition, featured every late-night Friday. We at TNT are ready to rumble. Are you?

TUNE IN DETAILS (channel premieres)
Saturday, 13 August
10:00   –   RAMPAGE (Episodes 52 to 55)
10:00   –   DYNAMITE (Episodes 148 to 151)


If you want to be the best, you need the best teacher. Listen carefully, be disciplined, and never disobey your commands. MASTER CLASS is in session every Friday on TNT.

Whether in real life or reflected in a script, the role of master and disciple runs side by side. Every action between these archetypes has a ripple effect that carries audiences to the end, leaving them with great life lessons. TNT pulls together unforgettable stories with epic lines that might make it to your next IG caption, from “Nobody puts Baby in a corner” (Dirty Dancing) to “You take the Red Pill - you stay In Wonderland" (The Matrix) and “Anyone can lose one fight, anybody can lose once, you'll come back from this you'll be the champion of the world” (Million Dollar Baby). Don’t regret not making it to this MASTER CLASS.

Friday, 5 August
16:40   –   Enter the Dragon (1973)
18:20   –   The Karate Kid (1984)
20:30   –   The Matrix (1999)
Friday, 12 August
17:10   –   Dirty Dancing (1987)
18:50   –   Men in Black (1997)
20:30   –   Never Back Down (2008)
Friday, 19 August
16:30   –   Assassin’s Creed (1984)
18:25   –   The Legend of Bagger Vance (2000)
20:30   –   Million Dollar Baby (2004)
Friday, 26 August
16:40   –   Training Day (2001)
18:40   –   Fist of Fury (1972)
20:30   –   Rush Hour (1998)

Recommended Games #5: "I'll Be Back", The Sequel To Terminator

The story of the game falls in line with the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day : to save the leader of the Human Resistance, John Connor, and his mother Sarah from the T-1000 , an advanced prototype Terminator bent on killing them both.

The player takes the role of a T-800 Terminator cyborg, already captured and reprogrammed by the human resistance, and fights alongside them against Skynet in the year 2029. Eventually, the T-800 and John Connor penetrate Skynet's headquarters and destroy the system CPU. Discovering the time displacement equipment, the T-800 is sent back through time to John's childhood, with the mission to protect him from the T-1000 that Skynet has already sent back. In the past, John, Sarah, and the T-800 launch an attack on Cyberdyne Systems in order to prevent the development and creation of Skynet. The T-1000 catches up to the group and pursues them in a police helicopter and a liquid nitrogen truck. The T-800 is able to freeze and shatter the T-1000 with the liquid nitrogen, but it quickly melts and reforms in order to continue its pursuit of John. Ultimately, the T-800 must stop the T-1000 from killing John and blast it into a vat of molten steel to destroy it.

Two endings are possible, depending on the outcome of the Cyberdyne raid. If all equipment is destroyed, the player receives a message that Judgment Day has been averted; otherwise, the company's research will continue and Judgment Day remains a possibility.

Download Game

A Look At Returning Favourites On Disney Channel And Junior Africa - August 2022 Highlights

Disney Channel:

Monday - Friday from 8th August at 15:15
Catch brand-new Season 2 episodes of Ghost Force with Liv, Andy and Mike who secretly formed a team of superheroes, to fight against the ghosts wreaking havoc in New York and using fear to increase their powers.

In the first of the new episodes, Andy offers to watch Prof Pascal’s dog, Asta. But, preferring to go to a basketball game after all, he leaves the dog unattended in Miss Jones’s lab … Soon, Asta awakens Scream Scratch, a prankster ghost that has many tricks up its sleeve and goes after Mike’s father. Mike doesn’t dare to ask Charlie to be his date for a party at school, for he’s scared he’ll look ridiculous dancing. While fighting Creepop, a ghost that forces New Yorkers to dance relentlessly, Mike will understand that ridicule doesn’t matter as long as you have fun

Catch the new episodes of Ghost Force on Monday, 8th August at 15:15 on Disney Channel.

The Owl House
Monday – Thursday from 15th August at 17:50

“The Owl House” follows Luz, a self-assured teenage girl who stumbles upon a portal to a magical realm where she befriends a rebellious witch, Eda, and a tiny warrior, King. Despite not having magical abilities, Luz pursues her dream of becoming a witch by serving as Eda’s apprentice at the Owl House and ultimately finds a new family in an unlikely setting.        

In the first of the new episodes, Luz takes on daring rescue missions during the Coven Day Parade, in the aftermath of her trip home.

Watch Season 2 new episodes of The Owl House from Monday, 15th August at 17:50 on Disney Channel.

Disney Junior:

MIRA, ROYAL DETECTIVE                             
NEW EPISODES                                                  
Saturday and Sunday from 2nd July at 17:30

Inspired by the cultures and customs of India, the series follows the brave and resourceful Mira, a young girl who travels throughout the fictional land of Jalpur solving mysteries for her friends, family and extended community.

Expect Bollywood-inspired brand-new special episodes from Season 2 that celebrate Bollywood music and dancing and centered around the Indian holidays of Holi and Diwali and an Eid al-Fitr.

In one of the new episodes, (The Mystery of the Legendary Sword) Mira and her friends embark on an epic quest to find a legendary sword said to belong to the rightful ruler of Jalpur.

Catch brand-new episodes of Mira, Royal Detective on 2nd July at 17:30 on Disney Junior

The Chicken Squad
New episodes
Monday to Friday from 11th July at 09:30
Brand-new episodes of everyone’s favourite squad returns to Disney Junior.

Inspired by Doreen Cronin’s popular children’s books, the series follows a trio of young chicken siblings—Coop, Sweetie and Little Boo—and their retired search and rescue dog mentor, Captain Tully. Together, they team up on problem-solving adventures in their backyard to help their animal friends, while modeling what it means to be good community helpers and finding the joy in assisting others. 

Play along with new episodes of The Chicken Squad on 11th July at 09:30 on Disney Junior

New episodes
Monday to Friday from 25th July at 12:30
Brand-new episodes of Season 5 episodes
During the day, Amaya, Connor and Greg lead totally normal lives, but they transform into superheroes Owelette, Catboy and Gekko during the night and use their powers to fight villains and solve mysteries.

This season has new villains and new problems to solve, but nothing is too big for the PJ Masks when they band together to fight the bad guys.

Catch all the action with new episodes of PJ Masks on 25th July at 12:30 on Disney Junior.

Cartoon Network Africa's First Act To Redraw Your World - August 2022 Highlights



This Women’s Month line-up is packed with Girl Power Go! From a crazy girl’s night out with Starfire and Raven in Teen Titans Go! to our favourite sisterhood DC Super Hero Girls, tracking a mysterious warrior, powerful women are our stars. In The Amazing World of Gumball, Anais faces her bully, and in Craig of the Creek, Kelsea takes on a terrifying quest. Stay tuned for the Lego DC Super Hero Girls: Super-Villain High movie, where the girls discover a new high school for villains and must rescue the students from their own fate! Get ready for this girl power stunt, only on Cartoon Network Africa.

TUNE IN: Tuesday, 09 August @ 09:55 CAT



There are brand-new episodes just waiting for you in Big Blue, where every day is a daring underwater adventure with siblings Lettie and Lemo and the Calypso crew. The funniest team under the sea gets carried away in August as they take on a top-secret mission to escort superstar Lea to a concert and learn new teamwork moves when they take part in a dance competition. Do tag along and join the fun as Lettie becomes their full-on 'fun captain' under the training of Captain Tubular. Join Cartoon Network this month as we unravel the mysterious secrets of Big Blue's underwater universe.

PREMIERE: Monday, 01 August 2022

TUNE IN: Monday to Friday @ 16:40 CAT

Also available on DStv Catch Up



Take in this treat of a monster boot camp movie on Cartoon Network. Ever since Mavis, Dracula's daughter, became a mom, he has been the happiest vampire grandpa in the world! His toddler monster grandchild, Dennis, is the apple of his vamp eye. So much so that even his monster-only hotel policy has relaxed, and he now allows human guests to visit. But behind closed coffins, he's secretly worried because his adorable half-human, half-vampire grandson isn't showing signs of being a vampire. When the time comes for Mavis to take a trip to visit her in-laws, "Drac" takes his chance to test and train Dennis to be a "vamp", and the boot camp rampage begins.

TUNE IN: Monday, 08 August @ 09:55 CAT



In The Angry Birds Movie, we'll finally discover why the birds are so angry. Based on the hugely popular video game series, the movie takes us to an island paradise populated entirely by happy, flightless birds - or almost entirely. Red is a bird with a temper problem, and together with his mates, speedy Chuck and the volatile Bomb, they have always been outsiders in the colony. So, when the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it's up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what the pigs are up to because only Red and Co. can see that the whole world is in danger from the secretive swines.

TUNE IN: Saturday, 27 August @ 08:30 CAT

More Details On The Rumoured New SuperSport Channels On DStv

As reported earlier today, SuperSport has begun work two more sports channels and there's not much new going onto the channels which has lately been a habit for consumers on the Access and Easyview packages seeing how affordable the offering has been lately.

Affordable led to consumers missing out on several premium content most of which resided in the sports section but as seen in their annual results MultiChoice has been losing consumers on the Premium and Compact bouquet and gaining on the Family to Easyview packages.

Taking that to account, is it shocking that SuperSport would further downsize their offering to consumers on the Access and if possible Easyview package.

SuperSport has seen a rise in competition with the addition of SABC Sport on the Openview platform which has led several consumers to opt for free entertainment and if anything these channels could be on that platform for that particular reason.

Again this is just speculation as MultiChoice might as well make these Compact tiered but what makes it feel more geared to consumers on Access is the amount of Tennis, Athletics, Hockey, Swimming and various here are there's like WWE Jumbo, Track And Field, SuperSport School etc.

Soccer is not a top priority for these channels at the moment but if you look at it not everyone wants another SuperSport Football much less SABC Sport.

But if you want to clear vision of these channels, imagine the first as SuperSport Premier League but with less soccer and the other as a merger between SuperSport Blitz and SuperSport Variety 4.

New Channel Alert (Rumour): More SuperSport Action Coming To DStv

SuperSport has been the pioneer in both local and internationally acclaimed sports whether you're viewing PSL, WWE, Moto GP or LaLiga. The brand offers the very best in sports and if you're DStv Premium subscriber there's no denying in its excellence.

For nearly a decade, SuperSport had been a premium tiered brand and over the years opened their doors to more consumers. In some neighbouring countries, Access consumers can enjoy the best of Football with SuperSport Football and DStv Easyview consumers get Variety 4.

In South Africa, the closest Access has gotten to the big leagues was on Variety 4 with Easyview reliant on Blitz as costs built a barrier with SuperSport and also let the door open for rivals like SABC Sport to distribute some of this content at a lower price.

But as seen during the week, SuperSport has begun experimenting on two channels both of which supply lot of existing like 7 Colour Fitness, Track And Field Weekly, UEFA Women's Euro, FIBA and Soccer Champions Tour deeming it useless to top and mid tier consumers and of value to the masses.

The possible addition of the supposed channels could bring ease to consumers leaning toward the SABC and also puts the platform in a better position to compete with the SABC Sport brand on the Openview and TelkomOne platform.

Roundups #79: Eragon Live-Action Series In Development For Disney+, iCarly Renewed On Paramount+ For Season 3 And Upcoming Disney Channel Series Hamster And Gretel Gets Season 2 Renewal

Eragon coming to Disney+

Disney+ is developing a live-action television series adaptation of Eragon, based on Christopher Paolini’s popular YA book series The Inheritance Cycle. Eragon is the first book in the series.

Paolini will co-write the series and executive produce with Bert Salke executive producing via his Co-Lab 21 banner as part of his deal with Disney Television Studios. 20th Television is the studio.

In the series adaptation, a teenage boy becomes magically joined with a newly-hatched dragon. Together, they must learn what it means to be dragon and Rider as they fight in the resistance against a tyrannical king.

iCarly remains active

iCarly fans can breathe easy: It appears the major Creddie cliffhanger at the end of Season 2 will be resolved. Paramount+ said Wednesday that it has renewed the hit revival series iCarly for a third season. Production will get underway later this year for a 2023 premiere on Paramount+.

The original iCarly series, produced by Nickelodeon, ran from 2007-2012. Starring Cosgrove, Trainor, Kress and Jennette McCurdy, it followed a group of best friends creating a webcast while grappling with everyday problems and adventures. During its original run, iCarly became a pop-culture staple and regularly broke viewership records among audiences of all ages.

iCarly is produced by Nickelodeon Studios and is executive produced by Ali Schouten-Seeks (Young & Hungry, Diary of a Future President) and Cosgrove, with Schouten serving as showrunner. Trainor, Kress and Alissa Vradenburg (The Simple Life) serve as producers.

Upcoming show gets season 2 on Disney Channel

Hamster And Gretel is the upcoming new cartoon on Disney Afternoon Mornings on Disney Channel along with Big City Greens,Amphibia,The Owl House Specials,The Ghost And Molly McGee and Moon Girl And Devil Dinosaur and we have more exclusive news

3 months ago series writter Jim Bernstein confirmed that the series will debut in 2022 after that we got contacted by Jim and he told us thats the expected date for the crew to air, but the month and day is still to be decided by Disney.

Yesterday Dan Povenmire answered some questions on Tik Tok where he answered that the series is coming in 2022, however month is still to be decided, our best bet is Fall 2022 like The Ghost And Molly McGee with a Season 2 Renewal, Chibi Tiny Tales, Soundtrack, Guest Star List and Disney Channel FanShop Merch.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Cartoon Network Africa Celebrates Every Kid’s Uniqueness With Its New Brand Campaign ‘Redraw Your World’

It’s time to redraw your world! On the 1st of August, Africa’s leading kid’s entertainment channel, Cartoon Network, is launching the new EMEA-wide brand campaign ‘Redraw Your World’ - celebrating every child’s uniqueness and encouraging them to be confident and happy in themselves.

The campaign inspires kids to be the catalyst for change they want to see, whether in the form of extraordinary talents, everyday acts of kindness, or having the courage just to be themselves. Whether they use art, activism, laughter or music, Cartoon Network’s ‘Redraw Your World’ encourages all kids to march to the beat of their own drum.

12-year-old South African-British viral music sensation, Nandi Bushell, is on board to help bring the fresh brand campaign to life in a new music video anthem, which is a hybrid of animation and live-action by the kids and for the kids, that aims to inspire and empower them to embrace their true selves.

Best known for her drumming skills and performing covers of prevalent rock songs, Nandi has drawn the attention of several musicians, including the Foo Fighters frontman, Dave Grohl, where she even joined the band on stage to play their classic hit, Everlong, live at the LA Forum. “It really is exciting to be part of a movement that encourages us to be true to ourselves and embrace our uniqueness. This collaboration with Cartoon Network shows that as children, we are fearless and have the power to make a real difference in the world,” says Nandi Bushell.

The vibrant and fun multiplatform campaign will feature kids doing amazing things in their everyday lives, from mastering the art of roller-skating or karate to balancing a football while brushing their teeth or breakdancing, catch a snippet of all the action here. Many of Cartoon Network’s much-loved characters, including Gumball and Darwin, the We Baby Bears trio, and the Teen Titans Go! gang will also feature reacting to the inspirational talents of their fans

Monika Oomen, VP, Brand Communications and Franchise Management, Kids, EMEA, says, “Every day, we are inspired by our fans, and now Cartoon Network wants to encourage each and every one of them to celebrate themselves; whoever they are, whatever they do and however they do it. Redraw Your World has been created to empower kids to feel happy in their authenticity and to reassure them that everyone matters. Cartoon Network’s irreverent, funny and inclusive style is mirrored in this campaign, providing us with a platform to showcase the absolutely amazing kids of today.”

New Series Alert: Mexican Ripoff Of Second Chance Titled Love To Death Rolling Out On StarTimes And Possible TLNovelas Africa

StarTimes, a Chinese electronic and media company which established a strong presence in Sub-Saharan Africa serving as a competitor to MultiChoice and Azam TV will soon to be rolling out the 2018 Mexican telenovela from Televisa titled Love To Death starring Angelique Boyer and Michel Brown.

Based on the 1992 telenovela En Cuerpo Ajeno, Love To Death (Amar A Muerte) is a complex story of destinies that intersect when a media mogul, Leon Carvajal, is stabbed on his wedding day, at the same time that an assassin, Macario "El Chino" Valdez, is executed in the electric chair. Leon is reincarnated in the body of El Chino Valdez and, in turn, El Chino's soul ends up in the body of a professor of anthropology, Beltran Camacho, who dies in a car accident. Now, each man will not only have to deal with a new body, but also adapt to a new soul.

Leon now in the body of El Chino leaves El Chino's family and immigrates to Mexico. Leon gets a new identity, Jacobo Reyes, and he begins to work as a driver in his home with the help of his best friend, Camilo. Leon/Jacobo is now trying to figure out who was responsible for his death, he also finds out his new young wife, Lucia, betrayed him with his most loyal friend, Johnny. His kids have problems of their own; his oldest daughter Eva is involved with a Drug Cartel, his son Guille does not want to work in his media company, and his youngest daughter Valentina is discovering her sexuality. He will take this second chance to fix the problems he never knew of. Starting by making Lucia fall in love with him so he could find out the truth about his death.

El Chino, now in Beltran's body, will have the opportunity to have a family. He will learn to be a good father and a good husband. He will also use this new body to his advantage to try to defeat the leaders of the drug cartel he worked for while in his original body. Beltran/Chino will also get help from a rip-off fortune teller woman who will receive powers to talk to the dead.

Trying to figure out why they are back in different bodies is not the only problem. Leon/Jacobo will have to avoid being discovered as El Chino Valdez by the police and the drug cartel. Beltran/Chino will have to find his body, Leon/Jacobo, and try to protect his real family from the cartel whom are after him.

They will begin to meet others who are just like them, reincarnated. They must find out their purpose and they will all be connected through a butterfly tattoo that extends and bleeds when they mess up.

Love To Death won't be the only Televisa production rolling out in the coming months even Head Over Heels makes a dash on TLNovelas.

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

New Series Alert: Jambo WWE Coming Soon To SuperSport

Starting this Thursday (28 July at 7pm), SuperSport will launch a brand new series that is made just for the WWE Universe in Africa. JAMBO WWE, a high-energy 30-minute weekly show, will be the fans’ all-access pass to all things WWE.

WWE JAMBO will deliver a unique twist to the breaking news, exclusive interviews and hottest stories in WWE that have all of Africa talking, as well as previews and recaps of Raw, SmackDown, NXT and Premium Live Events, including SummerSlam and Clash at the Castle.

The show is designed to showcase the goings-on in WWE from an African perspective, hence the name itself, the Swahili word for “hello”.

JAMBO WWE will take a fresh approach with regards to presenters. These include Lwazi Volsak, Rosa-Lena Mabunda Mondlane, plus Emeilio Michaels and Vasilis Argyrides. As WWE experts themselves, the presenters will carry the show with their banter and lively debate in short, sharp bursts, ensuring a show of pace and power.

The show will also showcase WWE outside of regular programming. This will include interviews with superfans and members of the WWE Universe across the continent, guest celebrities, classic archive content, community activities and giveaways of WWE merchandise.

The graphics on JAMBO WWE will be boldly African, reflecting the African continent while also including the colours of WWE’s three flagship brands.

The weekly show will be broadcast every Thursday to supplement the weekly live broadcasts of Raw, SmackDown and NXT, which continue to be hugely popular with SuperSport viewers.

WWE JAMBO launches this Thursday at 7pm on WWE Channel 128 and SuperSport Grandstand. It will also be broadcast on SS Variety 3 and 3A.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

New WWE Network Series Premiering Amidst SummerSlam Weekend

WWE took to YouTube earlier today to release the trailer for their new upcoming show on the WWE Network and Peacock TV. The show is called “This is Awesome” and will focus on moments in WWE’s past that made fans shocked, totally speechless, and even brought to tears.

This is Awesome will be hosted by Greg Miller and different WWE superstars as they go back and check out moments throughout WWE history that made the WWE fans chant, “This is awesome!” Some potentially awesome moments were referenced in the trailer as we saw glimpses of Ric Flair vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 24, ‘Macho Man’ Randy Savage, and Ms. Elizabeth’s wedding, TLC 2, and The Rock vs. Hollywood Hulk Hogan.


This is Awesome will join shows already on the WWE Network and Peacock TV, such as WWE Evil, Ruthless Aggression, Table for 3, and Stone Cold’s Broken Skull Sessions. How many episodes we will see, how long each episode will be, etc., is unknown, as not much is known about the series beyond the premise.

For those who don’t know Greg Miller, he is an internet celebrity and voice actor, best known for his time in IGN, where he hosted some of their podcasts, most notably, Up At Noon. Miller also started his own YouTube channel, GamesOverGreggy, which he and a couple of his former IGN coworkers rebranded to Kinda Funny. Kinda Funny is also the name used for the company that Miller and his coworkers started in 2015. Miller also has voice-acted in many video games, namely the Lego games. He appeared in Lego Marvel Superheroes 2 as Howard the Duck, Lego DC Super-Villians as Polka-Dot Man, and Lego Marvel’s Avengers as the voice of Aldrich Killian. Miller has also provided voice work for Oddworld: Soulstorm and The Solitaire Conspiracy.

WWE’s “This is Awesome” debuts on Peacock TV in the US and the WWE Network everywhere else this Friday.

Marvel Reveals Phase 6 MCU Plans, Including 2 New Avengers Films

After beginning its Saturday Comic-Con panel by revealing that Phase 4 will end with this year's Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Marvel Studios blew through Phase 5 announcements, right into its post-2024 plans with some Phase 6 updates.

Yes, that's right, we got updates on three Marvel Cinematic Universe phases from Marvel.

Similar to The Infinity Saga -- the name given at the end of Phase 3 to refer to the first phases of films -- the next trio now has a name of its own (thanks in part, we assume, to Kang!): The Multiverse Saga.


Just three films were shown onscreen during the Phase 6 announcement, however, including two Avengers films:
•Fantastic Four will release Nov. 8, 2024
•Avengers: The Kang Dynasty on May 2, 2025
•Avengers: Secret Wars on Nov. 7, 2025

Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige told Deadline after the panel that the Russo brothers aren't involved with the next Avengers project. Feige also declined to name the "thematics" of the announced phases, telling Deadline that the studio doesn't usually like to discuss each phase until it's complete, because "all of our stories are both interconnected and hopefully stand apart."

We may also get more insight into those open dates at D23 this September, but for now, we might as well bask in the possibilities. Earlier in panel, Marvel announced its Phase 5 schedule as well:

•Ant-Man & The Wasp: Quantumania : Feb, 17, 2023
•Secret Invasion (Disney Plus show) : Spring 2023
•Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: May 5, 2023
•Echo (Disney Plus show) : Summer 2023
•Loki, season 2 (Disney Plus show): Summer 2023
•The Marvels: July 28, 2023
•Ironheart (Disney Plus show) : Fall 2023
•Blade: Nov. 3, 2023
•Agatha, Coven of Chaos (Disney Plus show, name changed from Agatha: House of Harkness): Winter 2023-24
•Daredevil: Born Again (Disney Plus show) : Spring 2024
•Captain America: New World Order : May 3, 2024
•Thunderbolts: July 26, 2024

We'll have a lot of Marvel to get through in the coming years.

Special Assignment Axed After 24 Years On SABC 3

The SABC has decided to cancel the public broadcaster's long-running weekly Special Assignment investigative magazine programme on SABC3 after 24 years, blaming low TV ratings.

The last episode is set to air on 2 August.

Special Assignment's viewership drop on SABC3 is however not unique, with the majority of SABC3's programming schedule struggling in the South African TV ratings race.

SABC3 is currently the public broadcaster’s channel with the lowest ratings among its three major TV channels.


The channel has also felt the brunt of the impact of the South African government and Sentech's switch-off of analogue TV signal transmitters in the switch to digital terrestrial television (DTT).

Special Assignment's timeslot will be filled with a shortened version of the longer SABC News (DStv 404) channel's studio-based programme, It's Topical, while SABC News and SABC3 consider the option of a new investigative magazine show for the public broadcaster.

Special Assignment, which first aired in August 1998, has been competing over decades in the investigative television journalism space with e.tv's 3rd Degree hosted by Debora Patta and later Checkpoint with Nkepile Mabuse, as well as Devi fronted by Devi Sankaree Govender also on e.tv and eNCA (DStv 403); and the long-running Carte Blanche on M-Net (DStv 101) from Combined Artistic Productions.


The SABC used the chaotic and disorganised behind-the-scenes drama surrounding the broadcast of an episode of Special Assignment on 14 September 2021 about the towtruck-industry which should still have been held back by the broadcaster following a court interdict, as evidence to get rid of the former SABC News boss Phathiswa Magopeni, arguing that she was responsible for not preventing the episode from being aired and negligent.

Special Assignment executive producer Busisiwe Ntuli who testified in Phathiswa Magopeni's disciplinary hearing, supported her, saying the mistake of airing the episode was not the news division or Special Assignment's fault but due to an issue with the original and replacement programme codes being similar which is the responsibility of the SABC's video entertainment department.

Phathiswa Magopeni said that the SABC used the Special Assignment issue to "hound" her out of the public broadcaster.

About Special Assignment's abrupt cancellation, Moshoeshoe Monare, SABC News boss, told staff in a letter that the show is now getting axed because Special Assignment "has lost its mojo and signature influence, with the consequential effects being loss of audience".

Ndindi Cola, SABC spokesperson, didn't respond to a media query made last week about the canning of Special Assignment and questions around it, including what will be happening to staff who have been working on the show.

“Rise” To Premiere On ESPN Africa This August

ESPN Africa today announced that the Disney+ original film Rise, will have its linear premiere across the continent on ESPN (DStv 218, Starsat 248) on Monday 1 August at 20:00. Directed by Akin Omotoso, Rise is based on the triumphant true-life story of the remarkable family that produced the first trio of brothers to become NBA champions in the history of the league - Giannis and Thanasis Antetokounmpo of the Milwaukee Bucks and former Los Angeles Laker Kostas Antetokounmpo.

In this powerful, uplifting film, viewers will witness how one family’s vision, determination and faith lifted them out of obscurity to launch the career of two-time MVP Giannis and his brothers, Thanasis and Kostas. Last season, Giannis and Thanasis helped bring the Bucks their first NBA championship ring in 50 years, while Kostas played for the previous season champs, the Lakers.


After immigrating to Greece from Nigeria, Vera and Charles Antetokounmpo struggled to survive and provide for their five children, while living under the daily threat of deportation. With their oldest son still in Nigeria with relatives, the couple were desperate to obtain Greek citizenship but found themselves undermined by a system that blocked them at every turn. When they weren’t selling items to tourists on the streets of Athens with the rest of the family, the brothers would play basketball with a local youth team. Latecomers to the sport, they discovered their great abilities on the basketball court and worked hard to become world-class athletes. With the help of an agent, Giannis entered the NBA Draft in 2013 in a long-shot prospect that would change not only his life but the lives of his entire family.

Newcomers Uche Agada and Ral Agada - also real-life brothers - portray young Giannis and Thanasis, with Jaden Osimuwa and Elijah Sholanke as their younger two brothers, Kostas and Alexandros (“Alex”), respectively. Dayo Okeniyi (“Emperor,” “Shades of Blue”) and Yetide Badaki (“American Gods,” “This Is Us”) play their parents, Charles and Veronica (“Vera”), with Manish Dayal as Giannis’ tenacious agent, Kevin Stefanides, and Taylor Nichols as John Hammond, general manager of the Milwaukee Bucks.
Rise is directed by Akin Omotoso (“Vaya”) and written by Arash Amel (“A Private War”), with Bernie Goldmann (“300”) producing and Giannis Antetokounmpo and Douglas S. Jones as executive producers. Co-producers are Andreas Dimitriou and Michael Foutras.

Broadcast slots
Monday 1 August at 20:00
Repeat broadcasts:
Tuesday 2 August at 10:45 and 18:00
Monday 8 August at 20:00
Tuesday 9 August 10:45 and 18:00

How to tune in:

ESPN: DStv 218, Starsat 248 
All times are stated in CAT / SAST.
Schedule subject to change

Russia's RT Channel To Launch South African Hub

Russia's RT channel has embarked on expansion plans in Africa, starting to set up headquarters on the continent in South Africa where the Kremlin-funded TV channel is carried and supported by China.

Paula Slier, the South African TV reporter who previously worked for SABC News and who was posted in Jerusalem, Israel, as RT's correspondent for that region, is now overseeing the set-up of RT's African headquarters in South Africa and will be managing the bureau.

On Monday an RT spokesperson told News24 ; "We are indeed currently focused on developing our English-language Africa hub in South Africa, headed up by Paula Slier – a South Africa native, RT's longtime correspondent and formerly head of RT's Jerusalem bureau".

"We will be releasing more updates about the particulars of this operation at the appropriate time," RT said.


According to an insider, the RT South African newsroom is currently being set up although it's still unclear how many South African staff, camera operators and reporters RT plans to hire as it takes a page from the playbook of what other global TV news channels like CNN International, Al Jazeera, BBC World News and China's pro-Beijing CGTN have done in Africa.

The African expansion of Russia's state-backed TV channel comes amid Russia's unprovoked invasion and ongoing war in Ukraine and widespread global condemnation of the pro-Russia and anti-Ukraine misinformation and propaganda on the channel over the past few months.

RT banned by EU
Earlier this year RT was banned by the European Union (EU), as well as in Canada and in the United Kingdom by Britain's broadcasting regulator Ofcom.

Imposed EU sanctions also meant that RT abruptly went dark in South Africa and across sub-Saharan Africa on 2 March. This was the date when Luxembourg-based companies like Intelsat and SES SA flipped the kill-switch on the satellite uplinking of RT's channel feed to their satellite transponders like Intelsat's IS-20 on which a pay-TV operator like the Randburg-based MultiChoice leases bandwidth to bring the channel to DStv subscribers.


Google and other companies also blocked the propaganda channel's YouTube streaming.
Two-and-a-half months later, RT surprisingly flickered back on South African TV screens on 11 May – this time thanks to Chinese support.

The MultiChoice pay-TV rival, StarTimes Media – running the StarSat pay-TV service in South Africa and StarTimes elsewhere in Africa – added RT to its TV channels line-up in mid-May, using SES S.A.'s SES-5 satellite transponder on which StarTimes/StarSat is leasing space.

SES S.A. is a satellite and terrestrial telecommunications network provider also based in Luxembourg in Europe. SES S.A. told News24 that it "engaged with European regulatory bodies to suspend the distribution of specific Russia Today channels and Sputnik across Europe" and had turned off the designated signals on 2 March.

"While the channel in question – Russia Today Global – is being delivered via SES-5 (a satellite that SES owns) over sub-Saharan Africa, it is our customer who has leased our bandwidth and is distributing the channel over the leased capacity."
"SES also notes that this channel is not one that has been banned by the European Union."


"We have been engaging with our customers and regulatory authorities to assess both what we can do and must do under the various legal regimes to which we are subject. SES is prepared to take immediate action and implement any instructions we receive from regulatory authorities,” the company said.

StarTimes told the press in May that as a pay-TV service it "takes pride in sourcing relevant and current content to enhance our packages, thus we regard RT Global as a 24-hour English-language news channel that focuses on all major economic, political and social issues of our time".

Move from Kenya to SA
While RT's original plan was to get a localised foothold on the African continent by establishing its African bureau in Nairobi, Kenya where the African headquarters of China's CGTN has also been set up and based for the past few years, RT has now switched from the East African country to South Africa where it won't be directly competing with CGTN for newsroom resources.

It's unclear if RT's move away from Kenya to South Africa to set up its first localised African hub is possibly a tit-for-tat move to get out of CGTN's way, after StarTimes' decision to sign a channel carriage agreement to showcase RT on channel 260 of the Chinese pay-TV platform.

In February RT still posted adverts for journalist positions who would have had to work and be based in Nairobi.

The RT spokesperson didn't comment on the African location change, how many South African staff RT plans to hire, or why RT is interested in creating a regional headquarter in Africa.

Guess What? Elena's Ghost Is Back By Popular Demand On Telemundo Africa

Telemundo, the international channel owned by NBCUniversal which is home to various romance, action, mystery, adventure and real-life stories which has been localised with English dubs will be welcoming back the classic supernatural horror, Elena's Ghost.

Based on the 1983 Venezuelan telenovela Julia, Elena's Ghost folllows Elena Lafé ia young, beautiful, and talented horse rider. She and her widowed father, Tomás, manage a small but excellent hotel on the Key West ocean shore. Raised in her father’s shadow and kept away from the maternal side of her family, Elena has never known true love. That is until she finds Eduardo Girón, a widower, unconscious in the middle of the forest. She takes him to her father's hotel and falls hopelessly in love with Eduardo as she nurses him back to health.


The rich, young businessman reciprocates her love and they marry in an impromptu ceremony on the beach. Elena Lafé and her best friend Laura move into Eduardo’s mansion, where he lives with several family members and household staff. The new bride is not given the warmest of welcomes by Eduardo's relatives. Her unease turns to terror when she keeps hearing screams and moans from the mansion’s tower.

Elena Lafé sees a photograph of Eduardo’s deceased wife, also named Elena. Elena Lafé learns from Corina about the relationship Eduardo had with Elena Calcaño, who committed suicide. Elena Calcaño had a twin sister, Daniela, who went mad after Elena Calcaño's death. Elena Lafé also discovers that her husband and his brothers belong to a mythical race that hides many secrets and conspiracies.


Elena Lafé will have to confront a vengeful ghost, a spellcasting witch, Eduardo’s strange half brother, a deranged twin sister bent on killing her, and hundreds of secrets that will change her life forever. The twists and turns of the oceanfront locale mirror a storyline intertwined with secret loves, unusual characters, and a mysterious aura. A web of mystery and chance is spun until we discover the secret behind Elena’s Ghost.

Elizabeth Gutiérrez and Segundo Cernadas respectively star as the protagonists Elena Lafé and Eduardo Girón while Ana Layevska as the main antagonist in a double role (Elena and Daniela).

Elena Ghost replaces Iron Rose on Saturday 6 August at 6pm CAT.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Major Programming Changes Coming Soon To Zee World

During this past week, Zee TV made headlines after The Vow abruptly scrapped for the malnourished This Is Fate (Kundali Bhagya) which serves as the second instalment to Twist Of Fate (Kumkum Bhagya) and the troubles don't stop there as more consumers on Zee World will now have to brace for the following:

1. A rebroadcast to the second season of Twist Of Fate will air at 3pm immediately after the first season comes to an end.

2. Just like The Vow on Zee One, Age Is Just A Number will suffer the same fate as it's cancelled after 26 episodes for another rebroadcast, Gangaa.


3. My Heart Knows and I Do go on production break. Unlike the first two, My Heart Knows will be supplemented by new series, Every Girl's Dream while Luck In My Fate now titled Unfortunate Love replaces I Do.

4. What Women Want goes international as Zee World acquired rights to the former Glow TV series with Revati Priya. It airs every Saturday at 12pm on Zee World and every Friday at 5.30pm on Zee One.


5. Meet In Love will remain on the same timeslot but five days a week as a new variety show Dance Naija Dance which serves as a spin-off to Dance Africa launches from 6 August every weekend at 7pm CAT.

6. The Baker's Table and Grand Trunk Rasoi which were previously seen on Zee One will also be added to Zee World.

New Series Alert: Every Girl's Dream Coming Soon To Zee World

Zee World, the world's first English dubbed Indian entertainment channel curated for Africa home to various Bollywood movies, series, reality and variety shows will soon be rolling out a new drama titled Every Girl's Dream.

Every Girl's Dream (Tere Bina Jiya Jaye Na) which was launched in November 2021 on Zee TV revolves around Krisha a hospitality graduate, trying best to prove herself and help her family financially by working at her father's friends' royal hotel in Udaipur. It was there where she meets her Prince Charming, Devraj.


Anjali Tatrari and Avinesh Rekhi played the lead with other stars like Leenesh Mattoo, Romil Chaudhary, Simran Sharma, Rakshanda Khan, Farah Lakhani, Utkarsha Naik, Leena Balodi, Karuna Verma, Aashish Bhardwaj serve as supporting characters.

The show was produced by Dome Of Entertainment's very own Mohomed Morani, Mazhar Nadiadwala and Anil Jha who've worked on several past shows and movies respectively such as Arjun and Kumkum.

Every Girl's Dream is said to rollout in the coming months as a replacement to the oversaturated My Heart Knows which goes on production break.