Friday, April 10, 2020

Admist The Coronavirus Outbreak, Mindset Pop-Up Channel Mindset Pop

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Ever since the launch of Mindset second TV channel, the channel hasn't stopped trending across social media. This is first time in a long while that a channel trends at such an alarming pace.

With this in mind it's possible that MultiChoice and Mindset will make it permanent considering the huge impact it made to the community compared to the WWE channel.
Mindset Pop (Pop Primary) puts its focus on Grade R to 9 while Mindset also caters for that market but overtime their main focus was on Grade 10-12 with a little bit of Grade R-3, 8 and 9 something which was unnoticeable for a while now on the channel which in turn makes this one useful.

At launch the channel was said to broadcast 15 hours a day and now broadcasts an extra hour. The channel was at first launched with a large lineup of material that was still accessible on Mindset overtime that changed.
The one thing that remained was the constant inaccuracies from Mindset TV like just the other day Grade 8 Natural Science was scheduled to air at 21:00 instead it was Mathematics I don't see that ever getting fixed.

The other thing has to be the branding for this channel even though it is labelled as Mindset Pop through its ads they label it as Pop Primary with the actual channel logo is labelled as Mindset without the Pop. Yes, the name Pop is short for pop-up channel. If you visit this channel it also recycles bumpers and indents from the regular Mindset channel so there's no telling if they ever plan to update this in order to try and seperate the two.

Regardless the channel is doing well you may see some negative reviews but only due to the schedule and lack of subjects either way the channel is running smoothly. If MultiChoice and Mindset decide to keep it open there's a high chance it won't be available 24/7 like your regular Mindset channel due to the strong resemblance between these channels.

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