Friday, June 19, 2020

August 2020 On CBS Reality Africa | Court Shows | 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover

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Season 15
Double-bills on weekdays at 10:20 and 20:20.
With her outspoken style, hard-hitting decisiveness and engaging wit, Judge Judith Sheindlin single-handedly reinvented the courtroom genre and in the process has become a pop culture icon. A former New York family court judge known for her ability to cut through a dispute and get to the core of the emotional issue at hand, Judge Judy acts as a true moral compass for people seeking guidance, resolution and common sense in their lives. Judge Judy’s goal is to make a lasting impression that will discourage repeat offenders and help heal families and victims of injustice. There are many imitators, but only one Judge Judy!

Season 4, Episodes 53 - 173. Channel Premiere
Premiering episodes continue on weekdays, double bills, at 11:10 and 21:10, right after Judge Judy.
Justice takes on a whole new meaning when it comes to the dynamic, tough-talking, no-holds-barred “Judge Joe Brown”. Brown, who rose from the streets of South Central Los Angeles, applies his trademark “tough love” approach and unorthodox sentencing methods to encourage offenders to learn from their mistakes - or he will make them pay the price for their actions. He also provides audiences with a face-to-face vantage point for witnessing real trials that offer final and binding resolutions. Judge Joe Brown’s passion for justice and his commitment to finding real solutions has enabled him to truly make a difference in people’s lives.

Episode 1 airs on Saturday, 8th August and and Episode 2 on Sunday, 9th August
at 20:20 and 00:30.
Repeated as a double bill on Friday 4th September at 21:10.
“50 Ways To Leave Your Lover” is a new special that tells the stories of women who get revenge against their lying, cheating men in creative and dramatic ways. There’s a fine line between love and hate, and when that line is crossed, a man’s possessions, his dignity, and even his body parts are fair game.
One of the stories involves a serial cheater named Donessa who has five women caught up in his web of deceit and betrayal, including his wife. When the wife discovers the other women’s pictures on Donessa’s phone, she calls each of them and together they devise a plan to make him pay. One of the women lures him to a local motel for a romantic tryst. After tying Donessa up and leaving him defenseless, the other women burst into the room to confront him. But pretty soon, one of women loses control and takes revenge to the extreme.

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