France24 is a French based news station operated by the local government. Based in France, it would offer news and current affairs aimed at the French market while as catering to other languages such as Spanish, English and Arabic.
Since 2017, France24 was currently functional on the Openview platform after eMedia Investments silently axed the British based brand BBC News. It garnered backlash from various consumers with some not viewing it in the same league as the former BBC channel.
This past week, a viewer had browsed the TV Guide for France24 and noticed that the channel's programme guide ends by 3 March while other channels still provide a full week line-up. It led to further speculation that eMedia Investments could be looking to axe France24.
In eMedia Investments last financial records, they promised to launch a few more channels before 31 March 2024. None of which materialized in 2023 with the company down to a few weeks before the start of a new cycle.
With the possible closure of France24, consumers would be expecting a replacement as it was the only liable source of news following the demise of News And Sport. Those wishing to view the channel would have to get Starsat and pay R150 monthly.