Friday, February 21, 2020

What's New In April 2020 On History Africa

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Brand New & Exclusive PROVING GOD
On 12th April, Sunday at 20:15 CAT For centuries, science and faith have been polarized on some of the most fundamental questons in the universe, sometmes with deadly consequences. But as mankind seeks to answer the ultmate queston--whether God exists--religion and science have joined in an unlikely alliance. Can new scientfc discoveries and digital age technology reveal tangible proof of God? From the far reaches of the cosmos to the inner working of the human mind, scientsts and believers around the world are using science to open new fronters in this ultmate quest.

Brand New & Exclusive HOLY GRAIL
On 12th April, Sunday at 18:25 CAT In 1898, a Minnesota farmer clearing trees from his feld uprooted a large stone covered with mysterious runes. Now known as the Kensington Rune Stone, it details a journey of land acquisiton and murder in the year 1362. Thought by some to be a hoax, new evidence suggests it could be real, and a clue that the Knights Templar discovered America 100 years before Columbus, perhaps bringing with them history’s greatest treasure...The Holy Grail.

Brand New Local Special YOUR PEOPLE MY PEOPLE
19th April, Sunday at 20:15 CAT
Take four strangers, test their DNA and then, based on the results, take them on a quest to discover exactly where they come from and the history that’s shaped who they are. This is The History Channel’s brand new genealogy special, Your People My People. Your People My People is a journey of discovery and enlightenment as we use science to reveal our history. Four ordinary South Africans travel to places and spaces in history and partcipate in actvites based on their genepool. From an emotonal reenactment of the Batle of Blood River, to spending a sun-beaten day being indentured labourers, they learn as much about themselves as they do each other. And in the end, they inspire the viewer to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

Starts 24th April, Fridays at 21:10 CAT
While most look to the stars for extraterrestrial life, one group of researchers is doing the opposite, they’re looking underground. But this ground is no ordinary piece of land, it is one of the most infamous and secretve UFO hotspots on Earth. It is called Skinwalker Ranch. These 512 acres in Utah’s Uintah Basin is as iconic in its intrigue as Area 51, and as forbidden from entry. Skinwalker Ranch has been the site of both paranormal and UFO events that no one can explain. For more than 200 years, hundreds of sightngs have been reported but no one has found an answer to why this place seems to be a magnet for alien life. But now there is a team that believes they’ve found a reason. And it’s under the very ground on which they stand. Despite decades of study, some clandestnely funded by the government, despite the energy and unmistakable noises emanatng from the caves and ground, no one has ever dared to go below ground and perhaps for good reason. Now, for the frst tme, this legendary ranch is opening its doors and giving full access as the team prepares to do what’s never been done.

Saturdays at 20:15 CAT
Brand New and Exclusive ISIS: THE RISE OF TERROR
On 4th April at 20:15 CAT
ISIS: Rise of Terror reveals the origins of the Islamic State, what they want to achieve, and how their shocking and violent tactcs have redefned warfare in the 21st century. Focusing on fateful turning points in history, this documentary looks at America’s 8-year war in Iraq through the lens of the U.S. policymakers, generals and intelligence ofcials who were there. They detail the missed opportunites that may have forestalled the rise of ISIS and track its evolving reign of terror through to the currently unfolding operatons to roll back ISIS territory. Hear from atack survivors and in an extraordinary interview, get a rare and unfinching frst-hand look at life inside the Caliphate from an unrepentant ISIS fghter who justfes beheadings.

On 11th April at 20:15 CAT
White Supremacy: Going Under, tells the extraordinary stories of three people who infltrated white hate groups in an efort to bring them down from the inside. But these individuals unknowingly become part of fghtng something far larger. Tthe tght network of American white supremacy groups that is growing bolder and stronger every day.

Brand New and Exclusive DIVIDED STATES
Starts 18th April at 20:15 CAT
From a tme when blatant acts of ant-Semitsm, homophobia and racism appear to be on the rise, this mini-series will document the current state of hate in America. We will fnd and explore the lives of characters who have experienced hate in their own lives and have emerged from that experience transformed to spread a positve message.

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