Showing posts with label Eutelsat Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eutelsat Group. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

Eutelsat Group Support The Launch Of UNESCO’s Television Channel, Educa-TV

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In a news report by Eutelsat Group, the organisation supported the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s (UNESCO) Regional Office for Central Africa to launch the educational television channel Educa-TV at the African Union Summit of Heads of State in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The Educa-TV project aims to help improve access to and quality of education by setting up a television channel dedicated exclusively to teaching and learning in Central Africa.

Furthermore, broadcast via satellite, the new channel will be available 24/7, free-to-air, in more than 20 countries on the African continent. Educa-TV is aimed primarily at pupils enrolled in exam classes from primary to secondary school to help them prepare for their final exams. In addition, a non-formal education component aimed at young people and adults will provide training in various fields linked to contemporary challenges, such as health education, education for sustainable development, and entrepreneurship training to promote the employability of young people.

“We are delighted to support UNESCO and ECCAS with the launch of the Educa-TV channel. Our commitment to reducing the digital divide and expanding digital inclusion is a crucial component of the Group’s corporate social responsibility strategy. This new channel fits perfectly with the beneficial social mission that our satellites can offer by facilitating access to education for all students in Central Africa. Thanks to satellite, students in even the most remote and inaccessible regions, whatever the level of infrastructure development, will be able to benefit from this new educational content,” commented Laurence Delpy, President of Eutelsat’s video business.
