
Monday, January 16, 2023

Speech: Leading The UK Into Digital By The Director-General Of The BBC, Tim Davie, At The Royal Television Society

Good morning. Today, 100 years and 23 days after the first BBC broadcast, I want to talk about choices. Choices for us all.

Choices that have profound consequences for our society; its economic success, its cultural life, its democratic health. Our UK and its essence. Of what we hand to the next generation. Of growth.

Choices that concern not just the role of the BBC, but something bigger. About whether we want to leave a legacy of a thriving, world leading UK media market or accept, on our watch, a slow decline. 

Are we simply going to drift to the point where the emergence of vast US and Chinese players marginalise us, while we put on a very British brave face as they do so? Resigned to the fact that our culture and creative economy will inevitably be shaped by polarised platforms and overseas content. Or are we proactively going to take the steps to ensure that we tell our own stories, and remain the envy of the world?

Today I want make a simple case.  A case for growth, and the choices, as the UK, to own it.   

Too much of this debate is painfully “small”. In BBC terms, we understandably fret about domestic issues, political spats and latest headlines. And, because people care, we keep busy on a joyous treadmill of flare-ups and debates.  

One of my favourite quotes of Lord Reith is “the BBC will never broadcast anything controversial, and has no plans to do so.” If only.

But beyond the day-to-day, we urgently need to spend more time agreeing what we want to create that best serves our audiences, the economy and society.

Today I want to set out some of the choices that we need to make, and make the case for ambition.  

This will require the BBC, regulators, politicians – all of us - to work together and make clear decisions. To invest capital and set policy, deliberately, not simply live on hope and good intent.  To create a bigger creative sector supported by strong public service media and a thriving BBC. 

In short, we have reached a defining decade for the future of this incredible sector and this wonderful country.   

But first, a quick look back. This year has shone a light on a venture, a 100 years old, that has delivered outstanding shareholder returns: the BBC.  It has not come about accidentally. It is a triumph of smart invention and intervention. An inspired choice by those early pioneers as they reflected on what really mattered in life after the scars of war. They decided, amazingly, that broadcasting was not simply about money, it was  more important than that.  

It has led to immense returns to the UK public: economic growth, societal growth, personal growth. Value for all.   

It’s easy to forget what a remarkable story of success it is. And how much of it we take as given. Of course, the BBC is not perfect, we make mistakes, we struggle, we commit acts of self-harm, and our funding mechanic, the Licence Fee, is positively described by some as the least worst option. But step back a bit from the noise and look at our legacy.

There’s the creative health of the nation.

Ever since those early days in 1922 when 2LO crackled into life, we have backed our culture, through an enlightened blend of smart public interventions, brilliant commercial companies, and inspirational individuals.

At the heart of that ecosystem is the BBC. 

Critically, our universal brief means we do not simply look to maximise global efficiency and monetise a core audience. We support creativity in every part of the UK and its Nations. Our work helps us understand each other and find communal stories that underpin our national life.

9 in 10 people say it’s important for our media to reflect the lives of different people in the UK to each other. 

Then there’s our creative industries, a world leading economic powerhouse. 

£109bn in annual GVA – that’s bigger than the life sciences, aerospace, automotive, oil and gas sectors combined.

If we get it right, we have the potential to more than double that by 2030 growing way ahead of the wider economy, and delivering jobs across the UK.

The BBC as a catalyst for growth is proven. 

We support over 50,000 jobs – more than half outside London. We work with 14,000 suppliers.  

In Salford, the number of creative businesses has grown by 70% since we moved there in 2010.  In Cardiff, the creative sector has grown by over 50% since we opened Roath Lock Studios in 2011. 

New analysis from PwC shows that increasing the BBC’s footprint in an area by just 15%, doubles the creative cluster growth rate.  By 2028, the BBC’s ‘Across the UK’ plans can create more than 4,500 new creative businesses outside London, along with 45,000 jobs. 

But the BBC’s legacy is also about our democracy.

We face a growing assault on truth and free reporting. Recent data on our watch is stark and shocking.

In February, Freedom House in the US found that 60 countries suffered democratic decline in 2021, while only 25 improved. 

Only around 20% of people now live in what are considered free countries – that’s halved in 10 years. Journalism is now completely or partly blocked in 73% of countries.

The social psychologist Jonathan Haidt argues there are three forces that bind successful democracies: social capital; strong institutions; and shared stories.  Not a bad list if you are in my job.

But he also believes that social media, while having many benefits, has weakened all three. It weakens political systems which are based on compromise and it fuels mob dynamics that restrict a constructive process of dissent and debate.

Our own research shows that’s happening here, too. Over 40% of people are now worried about sharing views with those who have a different view.

Research by the European Broadcasting Union shows that well-funded public service broadcasters goes hand-in-hand with democratic health. The greater their audience, the more citizens tend to trust each other.

That is why the UK’s strong global voice is so precious. 

Today the BBC reaches nearly half a billion people weekly, a number that has been growing. We are the best known British cultural export – quite something when you consider the competition, from music to monarchy.

In India, our services reach 70 million people in 9 local languages. In the US, the BBC is now the most trusted news brand.

When our Russia Editor, Steve Rosenberg, interviewed Foreign Minister Lavrov, a must watch by the way, it got over 7 million views inside Russia.

So I think that if Reith were sitting here today, apart from giving me that withering stare, I think he would be amazed by what we have created, together.  

These successes are the result of deliberate decision-making and difficult choices. 

There was the birth of TV in the 30s, and the reshaping of radio in the 60s – when we said goodbye to the Home Service, the Light Programme, and the Third Programme.

The launch of BBC Online in the 90s. The launch of iPlayer in 2007 – a moment that, in the words of Reed Hastings, “blazed the trail” for global streamers.

Alongside these BBC moves, we have acted successfully as an industry. Freeview, Freesat, digital TV switchover, DAB, Radioplayer, Youview, all successful in developing our media sector, fostering competition but also enhancing public service broadcasting.

All these moments required a choice, a will, an optimism, and a generosity of vision. A desire to see the big picture.  

There are cautionary tales too. The infamous blocking of Project Kangaroo back in 2009, when the UK PSBs wanted to set up a streaming service.  

But, overall, there is so much to be proud of in what we have created together.  

However, today, I believe we are in a period of real jeopardy. A life-threatening challenge to our local media, and the cultural and the social benefit they provide. This is not an immediate crisis for audiences.  The choice of high-quality TV and audio has never been better. The threat is not about if there is choice, it is about the scope of future choice and what factors shape it.  

Do we want a US-style media market or do we want to fight to grow something different based on our vision? 

I sometimes read that the BBC needs to clock that the world has changed. I can assure you that we do not need convincing.  

The internet has stripped away the historical distribution advantage of having half of the TV channels or FM frequencies. In this world relevance, like trust, has to be earned.  

Industry analysts predict that we have probably seen the last year in the UK when broadcasters make up the majority of video viewing. Five years ago broadcast TV reached nearly 80% of young adults a week. Today it’s around 50%, and radical changes are happening across all ages. Tik Tok is now bigger than the BBC in video for 16-24s in the UK.

So today is the right time to ask the question, are we happy to let the global market simply take its course or are we going to intervene to shape the UK market?

Now, before looking to the future, let me just give a quick update on how the BBC is doing. 

We have been working on transformation rather than just managing decline. Despite market changes and cuts, we have coped well by focusing entirely on providing value to all. Not simply saying we are a good thing but being used.  

Our Value For All strategy is clear: ensuring we are impartial, delivering must-watch UK content and developing a world-class online offer. Supported by ambitious commercial plans. 

Nearly 90% of adults, and 75% of 16-34s came to the BBC every week, and every month nearly every adult uses us in the UK. These reach numbers have held up well. Over 30 million browses in the UK used the BBC online yesterday, the only online UK brand to really mix it with global players.  

When it comes to hours of video watched in the UK, the BBC remains bigger than Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney Plus, combined. 

Editorially we have wind in our sails.  Award-winning shows from Time to Motherland.  9 million watched the launch of Frozen Planet II, a peak audience of 17 million watching the Women’s Euros final, 42 million streams of Glastonbury.  And the coverage of the Queen’s funeral showed what only the BBC can do.

More recently, in its first seven days since launch, episode one of SAS Rogue Heroes had an audience of 6.5 million, compared with 3 million for episode one of the latest season of The Crown.  

We’ve grown BBC Sounds to over 1.5 billion listens. 

And, in the midst of culture war storms and Twitter rage, the numbers of people saying we offer impartial news has held firm.

Commercially, BBC Studios has grown rapidly in the last 5 years delivering a stretching target of over £1.2bn in returns and growing profits 70%.

We also drove the UK economy. Our Across the UK plans are well underway and mean we’re on target for £700m of additional spend outside London by 2027/28.  For example, we’ve announced £25m investment in the North East, a new Birmingham base in Digbeth, and we’ve moved news teams. We relocated 8 Radio 3 titles yesterday in Salford. And we continue to invest in unique and strong content in the Nations and Regions. 

At the same time we’ve stepped up our commitment to a highly efficient BBC, fit to deliver maximum possible value. We’ve reduced our overhead rate to within 5% of our total costs. We cut over 1,000 public service roles last year.  All our senior managers are assessed and we are stripping away bureaucracy as we create a world-class culture.

Overall our progress over the last 2 years has been good. In many ways, thanks to the exceptional talent in the BBC, it has been gravity defying. But looking to 2030, it is not enough.

So now let’s look to that future. Imagine a world that is internet only, where broadcast TV and radio are being switched off and choice is infinite. There’s still a lot of live linear viewing but it is all been delivered online. 

Far from decline, could we harness the possibilities of this interactive digital landscape to increase public value and stimulate the UK media market? What would it actually take to deliver that? 

I think there are four choices that we need to make to give us a real chance of achieving success for the UK. They need urgent action. Namely: 

- Should we, as the UK, own a move to an internet future with greater urgency?
- Should we transform the BBC faster to have a clear, market leading role in the digital age?
- Should we proactively invest in the BBC brand as a global leader? 
- Should  we move faster in regulating for future success? 

Of course the answer to these choices is yes. 

I don’t intend to answer every question in detail today but let me outline some thoughts.

Firstly, we must work together to ensure that everyone is connected, and can get their TV and radio via the internet. This isn’t something to resist. A fully connected UK has very significant benefits for society and our economy. It would unleash huge opportunities for innovation.

For the BBC, internet-only distribution is an opportunity to connect more deeply with our audiences and to provide them with better services and choice than broadcast allows. It provides a significant editorial opportunities. A switch off of broadcast will and should happen over time, and we should be active in planning for it. 

Of course, there’s a bad way it could happen. Where access to content is no longer universal. Or is unaffordable for too many. Where the gateway to content is owned by well capitalised overseas companies. 

So, we must close gaps and guarantee accessibility for all. Forecasts suggest that by 2030, about 2million homes will still not be using fixed-line broadband and even in a few years 5% of the UK landmass may not be covered by 5G or 4G to provide content on the move.  Now I know that there is a renewed effort to drive this coverage by Government and the DCMS; this is critical.

While the BBC cannot fund the build-out it can collaborate with others to make a move to online attractive to all, and play a big part in educating people about  the transition. We will become more active as part of a coalition to make this happen. 

Let’s all work to plan it flawlessly and leave no-one behind, and ensure that UK businesses and audiences get maximum benefit.

In this new world, the next choice we need make is to champion a clear, market leading role for the BBC. How will we inform, educate and entertain in 2030?

The answer must be to differentiate and not copy.  

The BBC will focus its effort on the following in the digital world:

- Nurturing an informed society through impartial, trusted news and information
- Inspiring and supporting people of all ages with trusted knowledge and training
- Engaging audiences with high-quality local British creativity from across the UK

Over time this will mean fewer linear broadcast services and a more tailored joined up online offer. As examples, we will double down on the latest work in News on disinformation, or accelerate the drive to ensure that Network drama is sourced from across the UK which differentiates us from others.

We believe that if we drive this transition successfully we can deliver universality despite a world of intense competition. We will achieve this not by creating derivative or niche content but ensuring maximum relevance of our core output.  To be clear, by universality we mean three things, which global players do not do. Namely:

- Access: making sure all audiences in the UK can get to the BBC
- Relevance: making content that aims to appeal to all UK audiences not just monetizable groups
- Engagement: reaching and being used by the vast majority of UK audiences

In the future we will need to transform the BBC faster to deliver a compelling online offer.

We are working on how an IP BBC could be the best version of the BBC shaped around people’s interests and needs. A daily partner to your life, bringing the BBC together in a single offer with personalised combinations.  A world in which local news, areas of interest and hidden gems can be found more easily.  

Digital offers a huge opportunity to unlock more audience value but it requires big organisational change: a radical overhaul of how we use data, a heavyweight world-class tech team, new operating models, new creative solutions and ideas. Imagine news re-imagined for the iPlayer or increased functionality when watching the game online. 

We will be world-leading pioneers in this. No-one in the world has created a digitally led public service media company of scale and the global opportunity for us is there for the taking. 

Within the BBC this means significant change. We will have fewer brands overall, and consolidate more activity behind a simple, single brand in the UK: the BBC. And you’ll see this globally as well. We will also simplify sub-brands such as BBC News. You can see a first step in our bringing together of the BBC News Channel and BBC World News as one brand: BBC News. 

We will share more plans in this area in the coming months. 

Inevitably all this requires another choice and that is to actively, dare I say happily, invest in the BBC. 

Any transition of a legacy, broadcast organisation to a digital future needs capital. As the owner of even the biggest companies are finding out, it is not for the faint hearted. Moving to digital is not the challenge in of itself, moving to digital while not losing most of your audience and burning millions of pounds unnecessarily is the challenge.   

In the BBC we are privileged to have the Licence Fee until 27/28 but if you take the period 2010 to 2028, we forecast that core funding for the BBC  has been cut by a whopping 30%. Now my key metric is providing great audience value for that fee. But others have been driving up pricing and driving up media costs reducing the BBC’s ability to deliver great value. As we look to the 2030s, we are open minded about future funding mechanics. But we are clear that it is critical that we need a universal solution that fuels UK public service growth not stifles it while offering  audiences outstanding value for money.

Of course, the latest settlement did include the increased debt facility for BBC Studios which was welcome, and we are ambitious about its prospects. Alongside commercial plans, we will keep cutting costs to invest and attract more partner investment as well such as the latest deal we announced with Disney on Doctor Who.  But under the most ambitious scenarios, this will not change the need for serious public service investment.

And in the short term we will need more money to support the World Service to avoid further cuts and we will be discussing this with the FCDO. The Russians and Chinese are investing hundreds of millions in state backed services. We have a choice to make.

We will of course complement this world service growth with ambitious plans for BBC Studios.

The BBC is one of the most powerful and well recognised brands on the planet and we should be backing it. It’s as simple as that.

Lastly, we need to regulate for success at speed.

This is not a new theme. It’s no secret to anyone here that our legal and regulatory environment has not kept pace with the market. 

The Digital Markets Act, Online Safety Bill, the Data and Digital Identity Bill, and the Media Bill planned for this Parliament are essential. We need rules for the prominence, availability and inclusion of PSB content in new platforms, in video and audio. Organisations providing content need the detailed data that will be the lifeblood of success in the new world.  

But it cannot be right that we have to wait years for legislation to recognise change in our sector.  

So we need a regulatory framework that is proactive. It must be agile – able to respond without endless consultation and process. I am pleased that Ofcom is working in this area.  

Part of this is allowing the commercial arm to thrive and a regime that is ex post, not ex ante, responding to obvious harm when it occurs, not defining every possible negative outcome in advance and restricting UK innovation as a result.

So, in summary, four choices for our future. 

Move to an internet future with greater urgency

- Transform the BBC faster to have a clear, market leading role in the digital age
- Proactively invest in the BBC brand as a global leader
- Move faster in regulating for future success urgently
- Shaping the online future of the UK to work for all of us. To lead not to follow.  To grow.

Thank you.

Just Like That, Qwest TV Becomes The First Channel To Join The List Of Errors MultiChoice Made In 2023

We're already halfway through the first month of 2023 and MultiChoice announced their first channel of the year, Qwest TV which is expected to launch on January 20th on both DStv and Showmax.

Unveiled at the unexpected showcase for the pay-tv company in 2022, Qwest TV is a jazz infused channel founded in 2017 by musical phenomenon Quincy Jones alongside TV and music producer Reza Ackbaraly.

Qwest TV is set to offer exclusive concerts from legendary and rising stars from across the globe, archived and unreleased material from the likes of Erykah Badu, Questlove, Salif Keita, Gregory Porter, Marcus Miller and Seun Kuti.

During the week, sources had mentioned that the channel would be made accessible to all DStv customers only for the same repetitive antics of last year to slide down in 2023 regarding its availability.

- kykNET Lekker Opened To More DStv Customers For A Limited Time
- What Consumers Should Be Concerned About Regarding SABC's Yet To Be Launched Channels On DStv?
- Press Release: DStv Welcomes The Launch Of Quincy Jones’ QWEST TV Onto Screens This Month
- New Channel Alert: WildEarth To Launch In The UK Later In The Year

Last year, eMedia's 4 channels were set to exit the DStv platform with KIX and PBS Kids set to be made available to more DStv customers in March only for them to be offered three months later following the court proceedings with eMedia Investments.

Second INX Prime, a channel not a lot of DStv customers would have noticed with its consistent blackouts was set to launch by August 5th only for it to be delayed to August 24th.

Lastly, MultiChoice had mentioned that they were trying to hide brands like Magic Showcase and BBC UKTV from DStv customers on packages like Compact and Premium as they offer a lot of repeats yet they open kykNET Lekker for a limited time.

In short, something that is common with the likes of StarSat in terms of channels with content residing with Zuku TV had integrated onto MultiChoice. Just as you thought their customer care is worse imagine their PR department would resort to the same measures.

What happened to analysing your facts before making it available for media consumption? Now several customers are lost as the once announced Qwest TV which was set to rollout on all packages is in fact set to rot on the Premium package with Compact granted an open window from 20 January to 19 February.

Roundups #131: Phineas And Ferb Gets A Two Season Order On Disney Channel And Disney+, 3AM: The Driver Coming Soon To KIX And Decisions Makes A Comeback On Telemundo Africa Ahead Of Nurses S3

40 additional episodes of Phineas And Ferb had been ordered on Disney Channel and Disney+

Disney Branded Television has announced that it has signed a brand new overall deal with Dan Povenmire, who is the co-creator and executive producer of the global super-hit “Phineas and Ferb,” which includes production of 40 all-new episodes of “Phineas and Ferb,” a second season renewal of the animated superhero series “Hamster & Gretel” and the development of live-action projects.

“Phineas and Ferb” is a five-time Emmy Award-winner and the most successful animated series for Kids 6-11 and Tweens 9-14 in Disney Television Animation history. Since its premiere, “Hamster & Gretel” ties as the #1 cable series among Kids age 6-11 delivery.

The announcement was made during a presentation at the Television Critics Association press tour by Ayo Davis, president, Disney Branded Television, who said in a statement:

“Dan is renowned for his ability to create universally beloved stories and characters with both heart and humor. We couldn’t be happier to continue our collaboration with him and bring back the iconic ‘Phineas and Ferb’ in a big way.”

Regular Nick:
- Could Universal Kids be the next channel to close down from NBCUniversal?
Here are other ways to view PBS Kids
The Twisted Timeline Of Sammy And Raj coming soon to Nickelodeon
Predictions: Nicktoons and Boomerang's untimely demise

Second instalment to 3AM launches on KIX

3AM serves as the channel's first attempt at TV series which was unveiled last year with its first instalment titled The Office. Now the channel will be rolling out the second out of five instalments from the anthology titled The Driver.

A taxi driver who is constantly judging others by his own standards, also reads into their every move and sets out to help 'victims' in his own way. When a woman he likes seems to be bullied by her son, he goes about setting things right for her, even resorting to turning himself into a cold-blooded serial killer.

Produced by Thrill, a general entertainment channel also owned by Celestial Tiger Entertainment. It stars Coby Chong, Thor Yin Wei and Irfani Zhang.

DStv Flex:
- February on The Home Channel
February on HONEY
Reyka renewed for season 2 on M-Net
What to expect this January on Qwest TV?

Telemundo counts down the days to Nurses S3 with Decisions

Earlier in the month, Telemundo welcomed back a fan-favourite Fearless Heart (Corazon Valiente) for the 100th time onto Africa's screens and with Nurses reaching its climax for the second season the channel opts for fan-favourite shows with Decisions.

The anthology tell stories that are affecting ordinary people today. Inspired by high profile research, cases of human identity, social and political struggles, each episode focuses on a transcendental decision that will change the lives of the main characters in a moving, extraordinary and radical way.

It features a variety of cast members including Jorge Luis Pila, Laura Flores, Litzy, Jonathan Islas and Ana María Estupiñán.

Decisions is expected to make a comeback on January 26th with season 3 of Nurses set to air on February 13th.

Everyday Novelas:
- Ramo coming soon to eVOD
Forbidden Passion season 2 not moving forward on Telemundo
Nurses returns for a season 3
The origin story of Forbidden Passion

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Roundups #130: Iwayu Created By Set To Debut On Cartoon Network In 2024, Zoey 101 Is Getting A Feature Film On Paramount+ And Conspiracy Theory Surrounding kykNET Lekker's Availability Finally Revealed

New Nigerian animated series loading on Cartoon Network

Based on the graphic novel series from writer Roye Okupe and artist Godwin Akpan, HBO Max and Cartoon Network's upcoming Iyanu: Child of Wonder will be heavily influenced by the Yoruba people of Nigeria.

Financed and overseen by Lion Forge Animation, the 2024 animated TV series chronicles the tale of Iyanu, an orphaned teenage girl with no memories of her upbringing who yearns for a simple, normal life. Those dreams get shattered when a set of circumstances triggers Iyanu's dormant divine abilities. Teaming up with two other teenagers, Iyanu embarks on a quest to confront the Corrupt, a great evil rising in their homeland that threatens humanity. Along the way, Iyanu will slowly uncover the truth about her past, parents, powers, and destiny as the Chosen One.

The epic superhero adventure promises to draw from Nigerian culture, music, and lore. In addition, creator Okupe has written and directed multiple episodes. Lion Forge's head of production Saxton Moore, who serves as supervising director, and executive producer David Steward II recently spoke about adapting the graphic novel, cultural representation, Iyanu's quest, and anime influences.

Regular Nick:
- Kartoon Channel expands to Africa
- Could Universal Kids be the next channel to close down from NBCUniversal?
Here are other ways to view PBS Kids
The Twisted Timeline Of Sammy And Raj coming soon to Nickelodeon

Another Nickelodeon revival gets the greenlit for Paramount+

Zoey 101 star Jamie Lynn Spears announced on Instagram a reboot of the Nickelodeon series, titled Zoey 102, is coming to Paramount+.

“IT’S OFFICIAL! 🎬 Are you ready…. @paramountplus @nickelodeon,” Spears wrote in her Instagram caption on Thursday, teasing the show’s iconic theme song, which she sang.

The film was written by Monica Sherer and Madeline Whitby, according to the script shown in the Instagram post. Variety reported on Thursday that production has begun on the movie, and it is expected to be released later this year.

The Instagram post shows a photo featuring the names of some of the original characters, including Chase (Sean Flynn), Logan (Matthew Underwood), Michael (Christopher Massey), Quinn (Erin Sanders), and Stacey (Abby Wilde).

Conspiracy Theory: The introduction to Nick Jr. Global
The Smithsonian Channel is closing down in the UK
VH1 is being redirected to BET
MTV Hits no longer available in South Africa

kykNET Lekker is part of a mysterious open window

In December 2022, MultiChoice opened up kykNET Lekker (DStv 148) which was exclusive to only Access customers to their DStv Premium, Compact+, Compact and Family with not much info available as it occurred prior to the festive holidays.

As school's reopened and consumers reverted back to their daily lives, a source at kykNET was able to confirm that kykNET Lekker is in fact an open window but couldn't provide any more details other than what you already heard.

Basically, the kykNET Lekker's open window is what has been seen from 2022 - a mystery. The channel isn't listed on other packages compared to when channels like Nickelodeon have open windows and them listed on that package and the other having to be the lack of info regarding the channel.

MultiChoice might lose yet another two channels
Could Russia Today be removed from the DStv platform?
Qwest TV coming soon to Showmax
eMedia's 4 channels to go dark on the DStv platform

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Friday, January 13, 2023

Returning Shows: Twist Of Fate 6 + This Is Fate 4 + Unfortunate Love 2 + Meet In Love 2 Coming In 2023 To Zee World

Last year, a lot of upcoming productions were unveiled for the Zee branded channels and to date we promised readers more glimpses to the new year with the launches of Razia Sultan, Broken Bonds, Every Girl's Dream and It's Not Easy To Love.

Now we present more B-sides entertainment coming soon to the channel later in the year as promised, take to account the network divides the episodes so the synopsis might not be quite what it turns to be at this point:

1. Twist Of Fate 6

The never ending series follows Sid and Rhea are now divorced. Ranbir turns out to be a successful businessman whereas Sushma who is Pragya's mentor tries to console a heartbroken Prachi. Prachi decides to move on and focus on her career with Sushma's help but gets to know that she is pregnant with Ranbir's child.

Everyday Novelas:
- Ramo coming soon to eVOD
Forbidden Passion season 2 not moving forward on Telemundo
Nurses returns for a season 3
The origin story of Forbidden Passion

It stars Mugdha Chaphekar and Krishna Kaul as the second generation leads.

2. This Is Fate 4

Follows Preeta who has given birth to her and Karan's baby, a daughter, Kavya. A mysterious man named Arjun Suryavanshi, who is infact Karan who had a plastic surgery plus a memory loss after his accident, makes an entry into her life to whom she feels drawn to.

It stars it stars Shraddha Arya, Manit Joura, Ruhi Chaturvedi, Sanjay Gagnani and Shakti Arora.

3. Unfortunate Love 2

Hailing from a middle-class Punjabi Hindu family, the Bajwas are all set to get their eldest daughter Lakshmi married to Varun. However, when Lakshmi and her family are on their way to the mandap in a bus, a storm hits and the bus ends up dangling over a cliff. Everyone except Lakshmi’s parents manages to get out of the bus okay.

It stars Aishwarya Khare, Rohit Suchanti, Munira Kudrati and Aman Gandhi.

4. Meet In Love 2

Takes place a year after the first season, Meet is actually alive. She is in the form of Manjari Desai who hails from Vadodara to find her baby. She is all set to take seek revenge from Manushi, Kunal and Masoom for taking away her family, husband and child.

The show stars Ashi Singh and Shagun Pandey in the lead-roles.

DStv Flex:
- February on The Home Channel
February on HONEY
Reyka renewed for season 2 on M-Net
What to expect this January on Qwest TV?

Brand-New Seasons Of Forged In Fire, American Pickers, Mountain Men, The Curse Of Oak Island And More On History Channel

The new year is off to a jam-packed start, with the latest seasons of many returning fan-favourites on the HISTORY® Channel Africa (DStv 186) in January. February brings with it, other exclusive new shows.

Forged in Fire is back on Mondays at 20h15 (started 9 January). Some of the best bladed weapon-makers will again go head-to-head. In season nine they’re forging everything from ninja blades to wilderness blades, to Sawback machetes. The smiths will also go head to head in a five-episode event where the forge is transformed into a Gladiator’s arena for an epic competition unlike anything before. Who will become the first Gladiator of the Forge?

Season 19 of long running favourite American Pickers airs every Wednesdays at 20h15. In their mission to recycle America, this season Mike Wolfe, owner of Antique Archaeology, and his business partner, Frank Fritz, discover exciting treasures like a Hollywood collection with never before seen photos of Marilyn Monroe, American Civil War revolvers and a baseball signed by one of the greatest players of all times. They’re also delighted to visit an old hangar along Route 66 with a jaw-dropping vintage car collection.

DStv Flex:
- February on The Home Channel
February on HONEY
Reyka renewed for season 2 on M-Net
What to expect this January on Qwest TV?

Then, catch season 11 of Mountain Men (starts 12 January) on Thursday evenings at 19h25. The series continues to tell the story of skilled frontiersmen who’ve chosen a unique way of life deep in America’s wilderness. In this latest season, Montana’s Tom and Nancy Oar prepare for the long winter ahead, Jake Herak and Anika Ward fire up their chainsaws to begin building a homestead and in Idaho, Kidd and Harry Youren hunt a black bear that tore up their camp.

‘Mystery Season’ on the HISTORY Channel Africa starts on 20 January with the new season of The Curse of Oak Island, every Friday evening at 20h15. In the monumental 10th season of the wildly popular series, brothers Rick and Marty Lagina, along with their team, return to make the most strategic effort ever attempted to solve the 227-year-old Oak Island mystery. After obtaining high traces of both silver and gold one year ago in the ‘Money Pit’ area, the team will work with a geoscientist to pinpoint the exact location of the possible treasure. A new core-drilling operation will offer incredible breakthroughs including the discovery of man-made tunnels and chambers potentially related to a treasure deposit.

Also, part of ‘Mystery Season’ is a brand-new series which follows an elite team of underwater detectives as they attempt to identify wrecks found within the Bermuda Triangle – a hotbed for unexplained disappearances dating back hundreds of years. The Bermuda Triangle: Into Cursed Waters, starts 6 February and airs on Mondays at 19h25. Each week the team will attempt to identify one mystery wreck, along the way evaluating the evidence behind legends and scientific theories like rogue waves, giant methane bubbles, ship-sucking whirlpools, and dead zones that bewilder equipment and planes. But on the ocean floor, the team makes historic and important discoveries that go beyond myth and conjecture.

Finally, an all-new epic docuseries that viewers won’t want to miss is the eight-part Colosseum. Through expert interviews and live-action re-enactments, the series looks to capture the rise and fall of the Roman Empire through one of the most brutal arenas in the history of humanity – the Colosseum.

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Each episode focuses on a key character from the Colosseum and the Roman Empire as the series chronologically examines the arena’s opening day to its very last games. From the savage truth of a gladiator’s life as a slave, to the fascinating revelation of the many ways Rome’s Emperors used the vast amphitheatre to demonstrate their absolute power, Colosseum offers viewers a unique and personal look inside history’s most iconic empire every Sunday at 21h05 (starting 5 February).

Tune in to the HISTORY Channel Africa, on DStv 186, for these and other new seasons of fan-favourites and all-new series.

Afrikaans Voice Actors For Daai Crazy Somer Including Additional Cast Members For Die Put Season 2 And Elif Season 3

All the credit goes out to Die Afrikaans Voices actors.pagie

Daai Crazy Somer

Staain Bruwer as Ahmet Tunali
Elzabe Zietsman as Emel Yaman
Adrian Steyn as Sancaktar
Kevin Smith as Selcuk Taskin
Markus Haywood as Akgun Gokalp Taskin
Steven Sterling as Arda Ates
Caidan Bouwer as Altay Kara
Rowlen Ethelbert Von Gericke as Kaan Gok
Jacques Gombault as Selim Kara
Francois Coertze as Metin Yaman
Natasja Jacobs as Serap Gok
Zetske Van Pietsen as Canan Kara
Izel Bezuidenhout as Yagmur Jasmine Kara

Die Put

Keeno-Lee Hector as Sedat
Marcel Van Heerden as Yücel
Cantona James as Azer
Wilhelm Van Der Walt as Selim
Conradie Van Heerden as Timsah


Roxanne Blaise as Layla
Izaan Du Toit as Sitare

Spoilers: Overview Of DreamWorks Upcoming Series Inspiration Africa

For 25 years, DreamWorks Animation has been telling incredible stories about unlikely heroes who make dreams come true.

Join our presenters, Tanaka and Aaron, at the very heart of DreamWorks itself: The Inspiration Station. Explore local hangouts with Cape Town correspondent Jasmine, discuss topical themes with roving reporter Jordan in Johannesburg, and uncover a world of fun, facts and chats inspired by our most famous DreamWorks characters.

Welcome to the Inspiration Station!

Every week, Tanaka and Aaron will look at a different theme with help from roving reporter, Jordan, and Cape Town correspondent, Ella. There’s plenty to discuss, plenty to learn, and plenty of fun!

Insidus Games:
- Powerpuff Girls Snowboarding
- Baby Felix Halloween
- Looney Tunes Monster Match
- Thor: The Dark World

Number of episodes 6*

Episode duration 22’

TX dates 13 January -17 February 2023

Episode 1: “Back to School”
The new school year starts this week, so Tanaka and Aaron look forward to us heading back to school!

Episode 2: “New Beginnings”
22 January is Chinese New Year so our theme of the week is fresh starts and new beginnings!

Episode 3: “Summer Fun”
It’s the height of summer so put on your sunnies because today’s episode is all about fun in the sun!

Episode 4: “Small Things”
February is the shortest month of the year but good things come in small packages… our theme of the week is Small Things!

Episode 5: “Friends and Family”
14 February is Valentine’s Day so our episode this week is all about Friends and Family!

Bonus episode
Join us for a bonus episode featuring the very best of Inspiration Station plus some hilarious outtakes!

Insidus Games:
- Powerpuff Girls Snowboarding
- Baby Felix Halloween
- Looney Tunes Monster Match
- Thor: The Dark World